Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said that while he didn’t want to do it, he had to remind people of how “severe” the situation is.

A top Republican official in Missouri is threatening to remove President Joe Biden from appearing on the ballot as retaliation for the determination in two other states that Donald Trump doesn’t qualify because he “engaged in insurrection.”

“What has happened in Colorado & Maine is disgraceful & undermines our republic,” Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft wrote on the social media site X on Friday. “While I expect the Supreme Court to overturn this, if not, Secretaries of State will step in & ensure the new legal standard for @realDonaldTrump applies equally to @JoeBiden!”

Ashcroft’s post came shortly after the Supreme Court agreed to review a decision by Colorado’s high court that found Trump could be barred from the state’s primary ballot because of his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

  • Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    That was my favorite when GOP cried for Biden Impeachment and how weak they look when they literally had nothing.

    They continue to show how limp dick they are.

    • SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      What scares me is they look impotent to anyone who is able to think critically or at all, really, but these theatrics are actually effective for their low IQ base. Whenever their latest bullshit plan doesn’t work, they just blame some communist conspiracy, which further riles the idiots up.

      • theangryseal@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        “Poor, poor Donald Trump. Can you imagine? So rich he don’t have to do nothin but sit around and enjoy life, but he sacrificed everthang to lead this country to greatness. He even lost money to do it. Can you believe that? Poor, poor man gets harassed constantly. They’re doin everthang they can to take him down. Most men would just call it quits and retire to an island, but he knows that Satan wants power. He wonts tuh git in the kids heads and make ‘em all gay and bring the end. The commonists are this close tuh takin’ America. Only thang ‘at can stop it is God and Donald Trump.”

        I actually heard someone say this. I felt my eyes rolling back into my melting brain.

        You know what bums me out? During the debate with Hillary Clinton he said, “I’ll keep you in suspense.” When asked if he would accept the results of an election if he lost.

        Before that I thought, “Well, maybe he’s just playing it up. He’s said some decent shit in the past. Maybe he really is a smart guy and he’s pandering to the right people.” Once he said that I thought, “Oh boy, this is scary. Good thing he said it though. Now everyone will know he’s dangerous.”

        January 6 happened and I thought everyone would connect the dots.

        Nope. They just went batshit crazy with him.

        Thank god his sons have as much charisma as a bowl of pea soup. Maybe this will end when he dies… until the next charismatic character comes along and says all the right things to rile up bigots. Or, wouldn’t it be great if his youngest son becomes a progressive and wins entirely because he’s a Trump? A man can dream haha.

        I was so happy in 2008 when we elected the first black president even though I didn’t align with him politically at the time. I knew what was going to follow though, swear to god. The bigots got scared and got political. I mean, it’s more than just that, but that was a huge deal to them.

        I wish it had instead made them collectively say, “Ok boys, we’re wrong to feel this way.” Nope.

        What a time to be alive.

        • SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          I hope this is a “growing pains” moment and we’ll all band together to overcome hate and greed, but I fear all the bigots, morons, and corporations are going to take power by force since they can’t get it by popular vote.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I think it’s funny how some people still think Bernie Sanders had a chance when lots of Americans froth in the mouth about Biden being a communist.

        He’s a moderate right-wing politician at best.

        • SoleInvictus@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          You’re right. Bernie was a step in the direction we need to go considering where we’re at now, but that’s not happening any time soon. Now what little is left of United States democracy is on life support.

          It’s surreal, watching the United States disintegrate from the inside. I wonder if this is how the Soviets felt in the eighties.