Just finished watching DS9 Season 6 Episode 10 ‘The Magnificent Ferengi’ … and totally fun watch complete with the worst Ferengi in the series and a great cameo by Iggy.
One of my favourite from the series out of so many favourites so far. What a great and fun watch.
Keevan always makes me laugh in that episode.
I hate Ferengi.
Only the Ferengi could could pull of hostage exchange fraud
That whole episode replays in my head on a regular basis.
“WHAT have they DONE to him?”
Seeing Iggy Pop as the negotiator does it for me!
Such a fun retelling of 7 Samurai and subsequently The Magnificent 7!
Couple selections from a thread early last year:
Edit: Found the post!
It is so horrible to see humanity reflected in the mirror like that. And therefore so crucial that we look deeply at it so that we can hopefully overcome our worst impulses.:-)
It’s so horrible that present day humanity looks bad against a money-grubbing, chauvinistic, bridge troll-looking archetype.
Hide yo moogies.
Latinim down ears up
That’s the way I like to rules of acquisition