Are you kidding … who the hell believes anything this idiot says any more. If any one does, then you are just as dumb or dumber than this orange cheeseball.
He is the master of deception, lies and misdirection … he’ll say one thing, everyone panics and runs around scared or angry and while they panic, he goes behind everyone to pull off some cheesy lame ass scam that would have been easy to stop otherwise but he gets away with it because everyone is preoccupied.
The stocks will jump up and down at his every whim and because he is the one directing the show, he’ll profit by betting on when the fall occurs and when the rise returns. He’ll skim off everyone’s wealth over and over again until we’re all bled dry.
I’m in northern Ontario, so with wind speeds like that I should expe … YAPOIA;FDKAD;KA;GKA/.A,/1MD/A