I’ve never been a fan of tattoos. They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it. That said, they can do whatever the hell they want. It’s not my body or problem and they ain’t hurting anyone.
Yeah this was me when my coworkers were raving about how hot luigi is like “not my type but I can see why you might be into it.” There’s a lid for every pot and people need to stop hating on lids that clearly weren’t made for their pot to begin with. Especially since there’s some really weird pots out there so just mind your business and leave those freaky lids alone.
Maybe not all women actually want you to be looking at them thinking ‘Wow, beautiful, yum.’ So many women get so much shit from men every day all the time, often since they were still wearing school uniform. Like you say, it’s not your body and they ain’t hurting anyone. I just think it’s really easy to understand why some women want to take ownership of their skin when there’s so many arsehole men thinking they’ve got a right to stare and touch it.
Did you stop reading after the second sentence or are you saying that he’s not allowed to have that opinion because some girl somewhere might disagree with it
He can have an opinion and it can also be really boring misogyny.
Except there is zero misogyny in that statement
They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it.
I don’t really want to spend a lot of time doing some critical analysis here but give it a think. Implies beauty is important for women and not men, and their beauty is contingent on his viewing. This is basic male gaze stuff.
Woman does something.
Someone thinks it’s not good.
Plot twist: these tats would also be ugly AF on a guy. Now what, mfer.
Plot twist: these tats would also be ugly AF on a guy. Now what, mfer.
They didn’t just say tattoos are ugly. They went out of his way to focus on how they detract from a woman’s beauty. Not men’s beauty. The subtle “women should look beautiful for me” is what’s not good here.
Their take could have been worse. They acknowledged that it’s harmless and not their body. That’s good.
It’s a picture of a woman, why would they talk about men’s beauty? Jesus.
Jesus was beautiful, and he had a fabulous tattoo somewhere you’d never guess.
The subtle “women should look beautiful for me” is what’s not good here.
Offering benefit of the doubt, one might assume he referred to women’s beauty in particular because this meme is about a woman, or perhaps he isn’t gay/bi, and doesn’t think about men’s beauty. Or both. Or maybe something else. Misogyny is one of the possibilities, sure, but only one of the possibilities. I wouldn’t have phrased it that way, but I don’t think there’s enough there to take the route of condemnation, personally.
They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it.
You did the thing where you gave a very personal, subjective, opinion as if it was a pure fact. You probably meant “it distracts me from their beauty” but you wrote it as if it’s a universal truth that applies to everyone.
You did the thing where you policed the way someone else phrased their opinion by purposely misunderstanding their intent. He literally began his post by stating an opinion.
And his opinion was basic misogyny
Ehh I dunno… I don’t agree with him but we don’t have to preface our opinions with “this is just how I feel, but…”.
If I say “this pizza is horrible”, it’s clear that it’s just something I think and not everyone has to share that opinion. The subjectivity of the statement kinda speaks for itself y’know?
“this pizza is horrible” isn’t misogyny though, so it doesn’t benefit from the distancing.
Why is it always femme people this bullshit is directed at? Why aren’t the hyper masculine tattooed manosphere influencers ever chastised for their jingoistic tribal alt right nazi sigils engraved on their bodies?
Because graffiti is artwork you do on someone else’s property.
And in the maga brain, a man’s body is his own, but a woman’s body…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hate that this makes sense
Yup conservatives don’t see an individual happy with their own choices. They just think, “if that was my wife/daughter I’d restrict her freedoms so she wouldn’t have any tattoos.”
Well considering the common refrain from them recently was the question “What is a woman?” I have no confidence they even understand the concept of a femme body.
I just Googled “anti tattoo meme” and most of them were making fun of macho guys.
In a word yes. And also the inherent threat of violence that allows for the patriarchy that precludes misogyny.
Cope much
Art on art is appreciated twice
I don’t think that building has very nice tits
Agreed. Now look at this building.
*Mechanical- and brick-sounding motorboat noises
Oh my god! I bet she’s on one of those disgusting porn sites too! But which one? There are so many. Can someone point me in the right direction so I can make sure to blacklist it.
Have you seen those cars that have every bumper sticker imaginable on them? Also covered with lots of hand-scrawled signs with every random religious/cultish phrase possible. That’s the vibe I get from these tattoos.
Just like the vehicles, those body adornments tell me all I want to know about the occupant.
Just like the vehicles, those body adornments tell me all I want to know about the occupan
Like what?
How is it any of your business though?
If i saw this person on a beach, it wouldn’t be my business…however this person is displaying it on social media, so it actually is my business to have an opinion.
Is this sarcasm?
Both looks bad. It’s too many tattoos on one hand, and pretty scrambled a bad looking graffiti on the other hand.
All these comments and not a single one telling me who she is. Smh my head
Reverse image search ftw https://www.instagram.com/bmarkhaa?igsh=MWJ1eTI1MmZnZjVrMw==
No no, they have a point.
I don’t see any nazi iconography in the image OP posted, can you point them out to me?
I was applying the claim to something else
If you are talking about graffiti on buildings then you haven’t been to Frankfurt if you’ve not seen nazi imagery
Lemmy cannot handle abstract reasoning. If you change the scenario at all to make a point, they shit circuit
If you have to change the scenario to make your point then your point doesn’t belong in this comment section.
It’s a common way to illustrate a point, by describing it with other variables.
Your reply is telling lol
Telling of what? The dude brought up something that didn’t happen in the image and being like “Oh yeah well you’re wrong because of something irrelevant”
I’m not bothered by the amount of tattoos. I’m bothered by the nazi swastika front and center. I would be just as bothered if they were just wearing a nazi arm band or Trump hat.
You’re pretty close to the point.
The point is that it’s subjective, and given the right content or quantity, it looks bad to you.
No, I think I’m on the point. I don’t care about other people’s appearances and I don’t care to subject other people to what I think self respect looks like. I’m bothered by what their morals are and how they’re going to make that my problem. Nazi tattoos mean that person wants to make life worse for other people. I’m not bothered by the dye, but by the ideas they represent. The woman in the picture doesn’t have any hate symbols that I recognize.
You find the tattoos distasteful for a reason of your own. I share such a reason, but it’s your own. Therefore you find the display graffiti-like: a blight on the visual landscape (in that interpretation of grafatti)
Edit The significance of Nazi iconography being distasteful is an easy one, and that’s why it was used as an alternative display to prove the point.
We really didn’t need to bring the “criticizing our community in the third person” farce over from reddit. You are Lemmy too, and I suspect you can handle abstract reasoning, yes?
Thinking you’re a special online community is also a reddit trope.
I was applying the claim to something else
What are you applying the claim to?
Why the reference to illegal Nazi iconography in Frankfurt? The building posted looks to me to be in the contiguous US.
You posted an image of a person’s mugshot who has a swastika on their forehead and I assumed you were conflating their tattoos to the person in the original image of this post.
The building is most likely in São Paulo. Not that it matters for for the point you’re making :)
There’s no Portuguese in any of those tags. Three of the tags are east coast crews. If I were to have to put a location down I’d say North East Miami FL.
What are you applying the claim to?
People with nazi tattoos
Why the reference to illegal Nazi iconography in Frankfurt? The building posted looks to me to be in the contiguous US.
I thought you might not have known racist graffiti existed
were conflating their tattoos to the person in the original image of this post.
Oh no, nothing about her. Just the “Tattoos = graffiti, guys” part was applied to the person I posted
Oh ok, sorry for the misunderstanding on my part. Thanks for the clarification.
Graffiti is a spectrum: on one hand, you get beautiful murals that add something to the structure, making it more than what it was.
On the other hand, you get dicks and swastikas.
Tattoos are the same way. There’s a difference between someone having a beautiful sleeve done and someone who has TRUMP tattooed on their forehead.
An example to further your point: I have an album of these I took earlier this year. It was exciting to stumble across.
There’s definitely a difference between guerilla art and “fuckup was here.”
When I click the image, it flips over the X-axis. That’s weird as hell.
There is probably some info in the exif data that is being ignored by one and not the other.
Same here, on sync.
Damn, I feel left out. Jerboa didn’t do it. I wonder what the difference was
Neither does Voyager
Speaking of Voyager, do you think New Glenn will launch on New Years Eve?
how does this relate to the NSFW goth girl fetish community ?
Lemmy has NSFW content?! Since when?
Sopuli.xyz defederates nsfw instances. And most nsfw stuff is on dedicated instance.
Guess I’ll have to consult the bones to see if it is worth the trouble to create another profile just for NSFW surfing.
Plenty of mobile clients allow you to use multiple profiles simultaneously.
I’m more curious as to how multiple different people tagged all like 8 floors of the building. Maybe it’s AI generated?
No, this a local style in Brazil, I think in the city of São Paulo. Look up pixadores. They essentially compete in hitting up crazy spots.
trailer toa documentary about this sub culture. It’s pretty fascinating.
She would look way better without the tats. Even this shitty building would look better without this artless crap. And how is this a political take?
Your username would be better if it were a fruit
Because it’s essentially saying that her decision to get tattoos is the equivalent of her vandalizing her body. It’s a meme criticizing a woman for choosing what she wants to do with her body, which is just a tamer version of “your body my choice”.
I saw that more like a criticism of the tattooing style, not her life decisions. Your body my choice is downright authoritarian. I don’t see how it relates to this.
Even if it is a criticism of the tattooing style it’s still likening it to vandalism. It doesn’t change the message behind the meme.
See what you and I call vandalism on that building some call art.
And the meme completely breaks down if the building is considered art so let’s not play dumb. We both know in this meme the building isn’t representing art.
The meme suggests that this beautiful woman made herself less attractive by getting tattoos. People who tend to agree with that statement are not necessarily nazis fascists sexists Trump voters rapists church goers and so on, despite the fact that many of that ilk share similar sentiments (but for completely different reasons). Believe it or not, not everyone likes this aesthetic and this is not political.
If you think “I don’t like tattoos on women” is the same as “women with tattoos look like vandalized buildings” then you’re missing the nuances necessary to have this discussion.
Comparing women to objects tends to be more frowned upon by civilized people, which excludes the right.
You’re welcome to find whatever you like attractive. She clearly doesn’t care about your opinion.
I’m sure my opinion is as worthless to her as hers is to me. And btw nobody is comparing the woman to the object, the point is that the aesthetic is similar. Applies to all sexes and objects. Imho the building tags are not art, or at least not good art. And her snakes, bugs and Japanese masks are so tired and trite, everyone does the same stuff. Yay.
Tired and trite? That sounds like most of mainstream movies, music, television… Yet people enjoy it. It is their choice to like what they like, and do what they do.
Sure someone else may want the ceiling of the Sistine chapel tattood on them, but she chose this.
I’m happy for her, she can do whatever she wants. She’s still hot af. And people can watch whatever shit they want and they can have all the dumb opinions they want. That doesn’t change how I see it, and I like to think that my criticism is constructive.
That’s just like, your opinion, man.
She doesnt care how she looks for you.
She clearly doesn’t care how she looks, yes
Someone who puts that much effort into their outward expression of themselves clearly cares about how they look. You just have misaligned tastes.
Yeah sure, and my tastes are also misaligned with the mentally insane people who smear themselves with their own feces. They’re just expressing themselves obviously.
Nice comparison. Clearly smearing feces on yourself requires the same level of forethought and financial burden that getting multiple tattoos does.
I’m not even commenting on her taste, or yours. Just the juvenile declaration that she somehow does not care, when she’s investing as much time and money into her looks as she has.
As far as tastes go, yours are as valid as hers are, I’d just choose a less inflammatory way to say you disagree with someone’s taste.
You’re right, it’s not a fair comparison. At least you can wash the shit off the mentally unstable person with hot water and soap.
Just because she’s financially able to make her shit smearing permanent through inking it doesn’t make it any better. Doing heroin is also a financial burden but we don’t glamorize that shit.
If she cared that much about her appearance she wouldn’t make herself look like the average shitty neighborhood dumpster.
At some point we’ll have to stop sugar coating every single shitty lifestyle choice people make.
Now don’t get me wrong, she can do whatever she wants. Her body, her choice to look like an abandoned building.
My body, my choice to make fun of people with too much money and not enough common sense.
Your face would be better if it was in the sand
I don’t see how this is anywhere on the political spectrum. It’s just a little dumb.
Weird I wonder how femme people could be politicized lately
Well no shit, but I don’t see anything in this image that makes it right or left or center or anything.
Comparing a femme person’s choice to decorate their own body and a graffitied building doesn’t have overtones? Are you engaging with this honestly?
I don’t assume its source based solely on this image, because this image doesn’t identify a source.
Ah, willfully ignorant then. Understood