I have no idea what YTP is, but I spent a lot of time on Albinoblacksheep and reading a bunch of webcomics every day. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, I spent most of my time on Neopets or trying to find things I was interested in before Google and Wikipedia existed. It was a lot harder back then.
I have no idea what YTP is, but I spent a lot of time on Albinoblacksheep and reading a bunch of webcomics every day. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s, I spent most of my time on Neopets or trying to find things I was interested in before Google and Wikipedia existed. It was a lot harder back then.
…are you me? lol
Also don’t forget StumbleUpon! So many wasted hours!
As well as ICanHasCheeseburger and fml.