Remember when Trump raped a 13 year old girl and then settled out of court, then a few years later he said that people who settle out of court are obviously guilty?
Everything Trump says has a little asterisk above it which is “*except when I do it” - except he probably doesn’t know about asterisks. They’re pretty complicated.
Sftu loser! He’s got great asteriskses, the best in fact! Nobodies got asteriskses like him, in the world!
^(/s, but not really necessary I hope)
One time an asterisk came up to Trump, big asterisk, strong asterisk, tears streaming down its typeface and it said “Mr Trump, no president has ever been treated as poorly as you*”.
yeah… I’m not going to blame nobody for not wanting to read that article…
That’s rare, a triple negative. So, who are you going to blame for not wanting to read the article?
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I read it. I didn’t see anything too exciting. Seems like a “Trumped up” headline to get clicks. /pun
In the newly unsealed documents, Ms Ransome testified that her unnamed friend “was one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump” – including at Epstein’s New York townhouse.
She then described in graphic detail how Mr Trump allegedly caused pain to the victim’s nipples – and claimed she saw the resulting injury firsthand.
I mean, it’s not nothing… Far from even.
How do you even… what the fuck did he do?
It was kind of rhetorical. I don’t actually want to know how he hurt a girl’s nipples badly enough for it to be visible to someone else later on.
I took one for the team. Flicking and sucking until they were raw.
Not surprised. Still… there are things I just don’t need to know.
Are we surprised?
Not really, it’s been well known he’s fucked kids for almost 30 years.
But how much weight dos the word of another dead pedo actually have?
That’s why he’s dead in the first place
They’re documents that have been filed in court. Not the words of a dead pedo.
Surprised? We’ve already had corroborating depositions for years that he violently raped preteens at Epstein’s.
2020 - S05E08 - Don and Jeff’s Excellent Adventure
Graphic details about Donald Trump’s alleged “sexual proclivities” have emerged in the latest round of court documents containing details of late paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s associates. The new documents contain “incendiary claims” about the former president, including accusations that he had sexual relations with “many girls”, made by one of Epstein’s alleged victims, Sarah Ransome. Mr Trump’s name has appeared a handful of times previously in the documents and, while not accusing him of wrongdoing, appears to illustrate the good relationship he had with the disgraced financier. In the newly unsealed documents, Ms Ransome testified that her unnamed friend “was one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump” – including at Epstein’s New York townhouse. - TV-MA, 61 mins
SD, SHD, UHD, Dolby Vision; Dolby Stereo, Dolby Surround, Dolby Atmos
Mmh I’m pretty sure having sex with many girls will just be seen as a cool thing for the kind of people who vote for him.
Meidas Touch found and produced a contemporaneous news article a few days back that Trump was “dating” one of Epstein’s victims, Anouska De Georgiou in 1997. Seems more than a small coincidence.
What are you alleging? I’m not groking
What I’m alleging is it seems more than a slight coincidence that Trump hooks up with one of Epstein’s victims. That it seems like the sort of thing that journalists and investigative reporters should be taking a look at for obvious reasons. Like when did she first meet Trump, who introduced her, was she working for a “modelling agency”, when and where she met Trump, how she was present at these events, who paid for her accommodation / lifestyle etc.
Still a lot of so called Christians out there say he’s God man with a straight face…
those people are sinners dude
We are all sinners, my dude.
Sin is a false concept, my dude.
That may or may not be, but according to the book, everyone is a sinner.
What about the pee?
If something like that happened he was probably tricked into being filmed cheering on hookers defiling a bed the Obamas slept in. Very common KGB tactic to hire hookers to lead on powerful people until they do something they don’t want public. Doubt he actually has a pee fetish.
There’s a lot more evidence he wanted to or actually did have sex with underage girls.
And his daughter, if you listen to his words or Stormy Daniels.
I mean, that’s a CIA tactic too, at least if we learn anything from history
I came for the pee (heh) and goddamit i want to read about the pee
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It’s OK. When the Moral Majority elects him president for life, all the evidence and anyone who leaked it, will be conveniently erased.
Now, let’s tie him to Epstein’s “suicide”…
I think if he got charged with murder, I might just dissolve into a puddle of happiness.
Trump back then didn’t have the necessary influence to have somebody murdered.
Ransome was another imperfect witness. In the fall of 2016, she had suggested to the New York Post that she had sex tapes of half a dozen prominent people, including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump—but couldn’t provide the tapes when asked. (Ransome told me that she had invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had “evidence that would come out if he harmed me.”)
Epstein was a state sponsored monster to get blackmail on other world leaders. Now that Epstein’s handlers [read: Israel] need a Biden victory to continue genocide and ensure white supremacy in the Middle East I suppose they will now selectively release names off Epstein’s “friend list”.
Or Trump’s just a sexual predator - which is something we all already know as he has basically outright admitted he commits sexual assault, he’s been convicted of rape, has made numerous public sexually inappropriate comments about underaged girls (including both his 16 and 1 yo daughters) - and this is just further confirms it.
That was my entire gripe with this. We always knew Trump and Epstein were friends. All of a sudden only SOME of the blackmail Epstein has gets released as a report which conveniently aids the people who sicked Epstein on the world. How is everyone not suspicious?
They were released along with tons of other documents that have been embarrassing for other powerful people as well. Something I’ve heard people screaming about for ages online to happen.
And now that it happens. . .it’s suspicious because it confirms what we already knew what to be true?
I’m really confused by this line of reasoning.
It’s suspicious when it only helps Eipstein’s handlers when they need to influence the next election. They could have relased this years ago.
I hate Trump but I want objective justice; This is just selectively picking a few for political insurance.
This is far from the optimal time to release this is you’re trying to hurt trumps chance of winning the wh. Additionally, trump is a huge supporter of Israel, he even moved our embassy to Jerusalem to show it despite the diplomatic fall out of doing so. There’s no reason to believe he wouldn’t be doing the same exact thing as Biden.
Trump is the elite scum we all hate, not separate from it.
Trump is an idiot who lacks any type of grace or nuance. He would escalate the situation and the US and Israel would have to deal with more uproar versus their current way of getting rid of natives in batches.
Yeah, If you think Israel prefers Biden over Trump (you know, the guy who thought it was a spectacular idea to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem) you’re really not following geopolitics - at all. But you keep rubbing those braincells together buddy!
I don’t even understand your flavor of racist tin hat. Are you blaming Jews or suggesting they’re victims of a Nazi plot?
Blaming the “current US administration”-Israel alliance, yes. I made no mention of Nazis.
Don’t feign ignorance. We all know who Epstein worked for.
I do not hate Jews nor do I see them as a single collective. Jews are unique and diverse peoples.
we all know who Epstein worked for
we don’t
No I don’t know who he worked for and I feign nothing. Afaik it’s simple. He’s a kid raper. He sells kids for raping to other wealthy monsters across the political spectrum. Now he’s not here to suffer for it with dicks in every hole in prison bc he’s a lucky wealthy prick with a lot of wealthy pricks to expose.
Please speak directly. I don’t live in your circles and have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m open minded and will give anyone a chance to convince me of anything. So what is this about?
The claim was from a former Israeli government employee:
Trump is more pro-israel than biden is, the fuck are you talking about
Lemme guess, you’re a trump supporter and all this is true because you support Trump and obviously trump can never do wrong!
How close am I?
I like Bernie Sanders… Are you always so off?