Divided we fall. By misguided individuals. One-sided they see the world. Money guided their hand. Now we’ve collided with the truth. United we stand tall. Against their nearsighted goals.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2024

  • “But why did my life have to be extra hard like this?” It is only through struggle that we can come to understand ourselves and move forward into a brighter, more prosperous future. Your work might be hard, but that just proves that your struggle carries so much weight. If you get through it—figure it out—you use the tools you grow and understand to uplift others, putting them on the fast track to understanding and prosperity. That is not to disregard that what you’re going through right now is very hard. I hope that you find what you need comrade. Solidarity!

  • I can think of many good reasons for why a futuristic capitalism would simulate the current Earth. Simulating the Earth might not be profitable on current hardware; however, in the future, it could be trivial.

    1. Simulate how capitalism could succeed over communism.

    2. Even in our current day, we are running out of data to feed to AI to keep improving them; that is to say, to generate infinite new data for training AI or to sell among capitalists.

    3. Capitalists could be simulating the Earth specifically as a form of cryptocurrency, wherein, to keep profits high and the workers of the real Earth enslaved, they must sell digital products like NFTs to NPCs.

    4. They could also, as said above, be a form of torture where they implant a prisoner into the life of one of the most downtrodden.

    5. It could also simply be a simulation to figure out wealth extraction—how best to exploit the population.