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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • Could be that their audio playback is done by hardware reading from a low address buffer in parallel to the rest of the logic and just relies on that logic to update pointers otherwise it will run through the entire address space.

    Or it could be their way of implementing a full address space dump on a crash without large amounts of storage available and that just includes the ROM because it’s a part of that address space. But in the video, they were able to get a 100% match for the ROM using an emulator, so this isn’t it unless they didn’t mention chopping off a RAM section.

  • It’s all data, whether that data is text, an image, audio, or a binary containing computer code.

    Raw audio data is just a series of amplitudes. It has a bit depth (which says how many bits are in each amplitude sample) and a frequency (what is the change in time going from one amplitude to the next). Using those, you can convert it to an analog signal that can be played on a speaker. And if you use the same values to convert that signal back to digital, you end up with the same input signal (though with some random noise added and if you get unlucky and your sample phase lines up with the player’s transition phase, you won’t be able to extract the original signal, though it might sound similar). The multiple recordings help mitigate these issues.

    Given that data format, any arbitrary file can be treated as raw sound that can be transmitted as analog audio.

    The only real difference between this and other transfer methods we use to transfer files is that this involves a less reliable conversion from digital to analog back to digital because it wasn’t designed to do that like USB, COM, wifi, etc connections are.

  • Even with good internet infrastructure that can handle the bandwidth, I’m not really interested in cloud gaming because of the latency.

    Though I do think that it’s a better way to handle anti-cheat than allowing the companies to install rootkits in your kernel. And you can’t really get around the latency issue with online shooters, either you run the game locally and have cases where it looks like you hit on your end but didn’t on the server’s end, or you have a case where you hit the trigger on your controller when the shot was lined up but don’t see the shot go off until it’s no longer lined up. Ultimately, I think the latter is a bit better because then you at least see reality on your screen, even if it’s more frustrating to interact with. Better than a more interactive reality that is more like a hallucination.

  • Yeah, it feels kinda like OP is really wondering if what’s there now is just as good as what used to be there because it might still be labeled “art”. Not all art is equal, and I’d much rather have nice looking art than art that says “this used to look nice but now it’s just dicks”. But, given that some asshole decided to just paint over it with monocolour, I’d rather have that “fuck you” than to see it left blank.

    I hope the 2nd artist has the determination to put it back if the owners try to get rid of it again, but the patience to wait until they stop watching it so they don’t get caught. Or make them spend money on a surveillance system and someone to monitor it but still put it back one or two lines at a time. Until the owners have an aneurysm and it eventually ends up in the hands of someone more chill.

  • I was part of an ISP that was a customer coop. I bought a share when I signed up and then sold it when I moved away.

    Another way it could be done is via dilution. Like every so often, new shares are issued to current employees based on whatever criteria they use to determine division of ownership. Existing shares remain outstanding so former employees still get dividends and voting rights, but the guy that worked there for 3 months 8 years ago isn’t an equal owner to someone who joined 3 years ago and hasn’t left. Though there’s then the question of can people sell their shares to someone else, potentially leaving the door open for a hostile takeover when a large enough group of former employees want to cash out? If they can’t sell them, what happens to the shares when an owner dies?

    The first one is cleaner. Personally, I’d go with the first option but have an exception for people retiring so their shares can act as a non-transferable pension but then the shares cease to exist once they die (or exist for a limited amount of time after death for their next of kin).