In Kyiv I have a pretty comfortable gigabit connection (not optical fiber, though I am thinking about switching to it) at 350 UAH (around 8 Euro) a month. The important to me part is that connection persists for 4-5 hours even during power cuts, which were quite frequent last summer.
I don’t use mobile data often, so my experience with that will not be representative of large majority of Ukrainian users.
Is that gigabit up and down? What would fibre cost? Just curious as I feel like I get a decent deal (in US terms).
Should be both up and down, but I’m not uploading much so I can’t attest to the accuracy of those claims. Fibre, I think, is comparable in cost (8-9 euro per month), with the added one-time cost of installing the whole thing. But also, fibre, from what I’ve heard, doesn’t need external power supply at all, provided I can power my router with a powerbank or generator.
That said, when comparing costs, you also gotta compare the incomes - I earn about 1200 USD/1150 EUR a month after taxes (all paid in UAH), which is probably a lot lower than you’d get for an office or IT job in western countries.
I pay 7€/month for mobile Internet (80 GB LTE) and 16€/month for home (5gbps fiber).
The 16€ a month is because I have the same ISP on mobile and home, but even without it, in Italy fiber comes at around 25€/month sometimes 20 sometimes 30
A wee bit higher (cause I’m not on Iliad and you have the first FTTH offering that’s cheaper than what they’re offering now): ≈30€ for 1000/100 FTTH and 4,90 € for 20 GB (I don’t use them much though)
Spain here
I have a combined plan 1 Gb/s home internet + unlimited mobile (calls and internet) + TV
75€/monthI know there are cheaper offers around, but I can’t be bothered to switch
Cable tv still exists! Not just at my grandparents!
I’m cheap so I use a 4G router. The plan for that is around 16 euros a month. I live in Finland
I think you’re asking what it costs?
I pay 52,50 a month for 1Gbps fiber and like 12 for 10GB 5G.
So much
Belgium: 98EUR a month shitty home internet + phone bundle with unlimited data.
Wow, that’s a lot
55$ dollar for 1gbit fiber at home unlimited 29$ for mobile data 4g+ unlimited
Dollars in Switzerland?
ofc I converted it
Dang, now everyone’s gotta convert back
8$ for unlimited calls with 90GB mobile internet and 13$ for 600Mb/s fiber. I’m from Poland
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Good question! UK/England - I think my mobile data is around £10/month for 10GB 5G. Its not the cheapest available but a good ethical choice.
Internet is around £40/month for FTTP, before I had a cheaper option which wasn’t reliable so I switched it. Before that I’d been with Virgin media which was more expensive AND unreliable but it was the only fibre option. Virgin customer service was terrible too.
111,37€ / months total.
That includes:
1gbit down, 100mbit up home internet (hopefully fibre will become available this year, I’m starving for more upload).
unlimited mobile data (domestic).
50GB roaming data in the EU / month
1 GB roaming data worldwide / months
free sms + calls (domestically and to/from the EU).
100 free minutes / months for calls (globally).
10 euros for 25gb of mobile data 50 euros for 1gb/s full duplex, unlimited optic fibre
I could save 10 to 20 euros by shopping around, but I do not want to deal with my landlord making more of a mess of the wiring and contracts
I’m in the Netherlands
I pay 10€ a month for 160GB 5G and around 30€ a month for fiber at home (which I split with my roommates) so it’s a bit less than 20€ a month
€56 per month for tv and 1000/250 internet connection
I have 100 Mb connection in my home and it is included with the rent, 200 Mb mobile with unlimited calls, which I pay 22,90 €/ month. That’s Finland.