My furnace went out again, which sucked. I pay the utility company every month for a service that makes it their problem though, and they fixed it again. They’ve replaced enough parts in it at this point that I’m wondering how long until I’ve ship-of-theseus’ed my way to a new furnace.

    17 days ago

    Cold. It has been cold lol.

    We’ve been dealing with the weather, and chicken drama of one kind or another all week long.

    The weather has been cold enough that the birds can’t be guaranteed to be safe and healthy outside, which means that the pet hen isn’t the only one to come in at night. The rooster does too.

    But, now we’ve got this volunteer hen, and if the rooster can’t stay outside all night, neither can she because a single chicken can’t produce enough heat to keep safe in a coop, and the rooster refuses to sleep in the coop anyway.

    So, we have to herd this half feral hen onto the porch and into a spare crate we borrowed. Which was an extra pain last night because another rooster paid us a visit and had to be caught and shoved in a pet carrier so it could neither get killed by our rooster, or harass the hens while we took care of everything for the night.

    Chicken drama is, however, the best kind of drama to be having, if you’re having any at all