Daily reminder slavery is still legal in the U.S.
Daily reminder Europe funded the Confederacy bybuying slave cotton
Edit down voting doesn’t erase your crimes
I mean we still buy phones, cars, clothes, chocolate, jewels made by slave labor
My point is the hypocrisy of ragging on the US slave trade while they were the ones that set it up and bought products made by it. I’m not washing the USA’s sin here but it’s only fair to remember Europe’s place in it
Chattel Slavery. And no one here is insinuating any slavery is good. But you’re apparently saying the US is above reproach “because others did it”.
All slavery, including the ~400 years of chattel slavery, as well as that permitted by the clause in the 13th amendment, is bad.
I never said the USA is above reproach I’m calling out Europeans for acting as if they had no part in it, Cunk herself is from a nation that bought slave cotton DURING THE CIVIL WAR and put children in coal mines during the same period but saw no issue with little Timmy O’Toole dying of black lung at age 14 because yall didn’t see the Irish as human beings
Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. Europe has definitely done a lot of horrible things around the world. Britain for example banned/killed of the textile industry in India (which at one time was 25% of the worlds production) to monopolize that industry at home (which is also why they imported cotton from the America’s). Let’s also not forget that the Confederates were white, European, colonial Settlers. It’s not just cotton buying, but the whole system / Trade Triangle around Slavery that was created by Europeans and that lead to those crimes
land of the double speak
this is a reminder that slavery is literally legal as punishment for crimes and thus they have not abolished slavery
What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour.
There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour.
Ahum. Without historical context of the quote, that statement sounds quite wrong. /ze Germans
It’s from the 1800s, when the US was the global capital of chattel slavery.
The Nazis were inspired by the US, by the way. The concentration camps were inspired by the reservation system. There were holocausts in the Americas before Hitler was even born.
Lebensraum is just manifest destiny but scarier cause it’s in German
It’s true.
I’m terrified just reading it.
thanks for adding a time period - would you happen to have an author of the quote as well? :)
It’s a pretty famous speech given by Frederick Douglass, a former slave who was asked to give a July 4th address. He escaped slavery and became a self-taught abolitionist, suffragette, radical reconstruction politician, preacher, and author.
thank you! That is an interesting character to read about. Makes me despise people all the more (if that was possible) who thought / think that they can own other people’s lives.
Who do you think Hitler took inspiration from?
It’s not only well documented that the American treatment of Black and Indigenous people directly inspired Hitler, but also, segregation and Jim Crow (both direct inspiration) in the US ended over 20 years after the holocaust, and slavery is still legal in the form of the prison industrial complex, which is a white supremacist institution that disproportionately harms already marginalised populations.
I am a decedent of holocaust survivors, this isn’t to make light of it, it’s a statement on just how bad the US is.
E: it’s late and I didn’t notice that queermunist had basically said the same until after I replied, but I’m leaving it, because the point is worth making again.
I am a decendent of holocaust survivors, this isn’t to make light of it, it’s a statement on just how bad the US is.
My point was - no matter how bad the DS is, for the time being, Nazi Germany still was way worse. But yeah, the DSA are working hard on getting there - and if you add Israel’s genocidal bodycount to that of the DSA with all its proxy wars, it will soon be getting dangerously close. 70-85 million dead caused by WW2, ultimately fault of the Nazis (Germans and Austrians), Italy and Japan. I guess the genocide in the DS was mostly lower in numbers because the indigenous population wasn’t as big - for they would sure as hell tried to eradicate the native Americans regardless of how many there were.
Imagine how the indigenous people felt and still do
“all other persons” are counted as “three-fifths” of a person
Also “all other persons” could not vote. Wonder what “all other persons” could possibly mean. A Dwarf?
oh, wait doesn’t that mean… oh…
(it means enslaved people btw)
I like how arbitrary the fraction “three fifths” to a person is.
a person enough to not be exempt from work
Specifically calculated to limit the exploit of population cramming the American South could do with slaves. The South wanted them to be counted as full people (only for the purposes of determining representatives).
deleted by creator
Dude’s malding that someone reposted a philomena cunk meme on a philomena cunk community?
We’re really out here, with nothing better to be mad about.
Why are you so mad?