Put the gun away and throw that cpp book in the bin, fool. I brought The Linux Kernel Programming Guide, which is in C, and my own socks, which are wool. Now let’s gets crackin.
I already use linux. My feet have been getting cold lately. it never occurred to me to get wool socks. Is this how it starts? Are skirts next?
C++? Shoot me
Wat? Don’t you dare talk that way about my favorite multiple personality disorder clusterfuck of a language.
C is the only language, all the rest are mental disorders (/j 😉)
Edit: maybe rust, but it’s on thin ice XD
I still.like fortran better. (And I am not even lying.)
Seriously though, anyone knows the source of the pic? I’ve been wondering for a while.
Girl, I will wear whatever socks you want, but… pulls out my own gun. We’re reading this damn book instead.
Linux is C only, ever read the rant by Linus last century about C++ ? I was there, in usenet
Wait, you are telling people had discussion in Usenet? No way!
it was mostly flame wars, alt.bin.pictures.erotica, warez, discussion about The Simpson, and of course The Oracle, and Kibo.
EDIT for young people, the usenet oracle and kibology
The cool kids are forcing people to read this at gunpoint nowadays
I like Go better
However, C is still king in a lot of ways
C is definitely still king, but I wonder if crABI will eventually be able to dethrone it:
If they can define a useful ABI that manages to include lifetimes, that might just be enough of an improvement to get people to switch over from assuming the C ABI everywhere.
I’ll never touch Rust.
I hate the syntax and cargo too much for that. If that means that I’ll never write mission critical, low level code, so be it.
What don’t you like about Cargo? Is there another package manager you like more?
Well - of course I prefer a centralized package manager like pacman, which I also use for python packages etc., but I mainly dislike the building process of rust, which is usually done with cargo. No libraries, not even a global cache for already compiled dependencies, no distcc. This makes it infinitely slower than most C/C++ projects. Compiling the kernel is literally faster than compiling a “simple” project like spotify_cli (500+ dependencies, depending on configuration).
So it’s ass from a user perspective, waiting for stuff to compile (just for it to fail, and start from scratch, as some stuff needs a clean build/src dir), and imo very weird from a dev perspective.
Right? It’s in the kernel and everything now. Linus likes it. Linus hates everything. HOW MUCH ARE THEY PAYING HIM?
Big Rust has gotten to Linus
Did he actually say that he likes it? My impression was that it’s not his comfort zone, but he recognizes that for the vast majority of young programmers, C is not their comfort zone. And so, if they don’t hop on this Rust train, the Linux kernel is going to look like a COBOL project in a not too distant future. It does not happen very often that a programming language capable of implementing kernels gains wide-spread adoption.
I’m pretty sure Linus dissed on RUST, but then again he disses on everything and everyone.
All Linux enthusiasts are attractive women.
I better be getting pegged at the end of the night if she makes me suffer by writing C++.
In C++? I’d rather be shot, thanks :P
Bad trigger discipline
Here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re going to do the equivalent of x11 application network transparency but with wayland.
Kind of like streaming a desktop with sunshine, but on an app by app basis.
Also we’re gonna make a client that work for it on android, windows and in a browser.
Then I’m going to fuck you in the ass