Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asserted that no world leader has the right to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin on behalf of Ukraine.
Speaking to Le Parisien readers, Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine alone determines its future and any dialogue with Russia must follow a peace plan based on strength and international support.
He warned against negotiating without clear guarantees of security, highlighting the risks of Putin resuming aggression after a ceasefire.
Zelenskyy called for a strategy ensuring Ukraine’s long-term stability and security, beyond NATO or EU membership timelines.
It’s fucking ridiculous he has to say it out loud
Tbh a lot of people in the states are under the impression that we CAN do precisely that, because we absolutely have done in the past. But this is also kind of a whole different ballgame, in a ton of pretty crucial ways.
Not only that, but we’re giving fucking BILLIONS of money to Ukraine, we SHOULD have a say so in what happens…
you are just funneling BILLIONS into your Military Industrial Complex, which is good for the shareholder value of the usual suspects, while dropping off your used stuff all over Europe. The US are mainly helping themselves. It just happens to also help Ukraine.
The US has to funnel BILLIONS into our own military complex because A: Every single other country on Earth depends on us. B: Lots of countries don’t like us.
But let me guess, you most likely live here in the US and are just enjoying the high life, while also criticizing how much you hate everything about it.
Yet, he expects the US to just keep cutting those checks, right?
You probably even think it’s one of those overisized checks that are often shown in your TV shows, don’t you.
No, but I love how some of you think “We only want the US to be the World Police when it’s convienant for SOME, but not others…”
It took you six days to come up with that? Is posting your job?
What the fuck is that logic even… Do you think you should be sending equal support to russia? You probably do, given your takes…
Dude, when we help Israel, all of a sudden, America’s bad… but, helping Ukraine is good because it’s “stopping that evil empire Russia!” What about the evil empire of Muslim terrorists? If Israel falls, it’s only a matter of time before their surrounding Muslim countries start trying to expand even more.
LMAO. Okay, I understand now, you’re just trolling. Because nobody’s THAT stupid.
Spotted the liberal. “if I disagree with you, than YOU must be the stupid one!” lol…
Unfortunately, Trump will do exactly that regardless.
America can tell Russia Ukraine formally surrenders, and that the moon is made of cheese, it isnt going to stop anyone from fighting to protect themselves.
The fact that even western countries seem to think that there can be negotiations about the fate of Ukraine and its people, without the Ukrainian voice present, is laughable and directley supports Putin and the Russian Mafia’s fantasy-narrative.
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Western europe has no choice now, they have to arm up and possibly prepare for war with Russia, or resign, and accept Russian Dominion.
The US will do as it wills, they’re going to backslide into fighting with themselves, and evidently with Canada and Mexico at this current rate. Europe will have to take the torch, if for no other reason than that they have no choice. Russia and NATO have been de-facto at war with each other for a while.
I’ve even said that WW3 started years ago but people generally dont agree because they only associate the term WW3, with nuclear exchanges.
theres’ no turning back from this state though. the last chance we had at an “offramp” was in september 6 to 21 of 2022. at that point, the russian army had suffered a major defeat and been pushed out of over half the territory they had conquered. That was Putin and Kremlin’s opportunity to back off before this spiraled totally beyond control, instead, that door was slammed shut forever on the 21st when Russia announced a mobilization.
Now, its not going to stop until either Ukraine signs over part of its territory in exchange for NATO protection, Or the fight goes on until a government collapses. (either way just means more war, east or west) No ceasefire outside of of that deal I mentioned, will actually last, or truthfully stop the hostilities. Russian treaties are just an alternate spelling of Toilet paper
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If America and NATO pull back support, Putin will just say “fuck it” and take all of Ukraine and then do whatever he wants. Putin wants every territory that used to be Russia.
Putin wants every territory that used to be Russia.
And then when he gets them all, he will want every territory that’s near Russia.
And people will be like “Oh no, why didn’t anyone DO something when we could?”
even if Nato tucks its tails between its legs and runs away from a winnable confrontation, Russia isn’t taking the whole country, they don’t have the manpower to run an occupation on a territory the size of Texas, with one of the most heavily armed and battle hardened populations on earth.
Russia already signed away any hope of an occupation that didn’t fight them tooth and nail to the death, when they decided to massacre the villages of Bucha , Irpin, and Konotop. The world saw Russia for what it was then, That event “steeled” the resistance. I’m not trying to use hyperbole or sensationalism here, I’m stating that flat out, the Ukrainian people saw that the Russians will murder every single person who doesn’t submit, and they’ve only continued that savage barbarism ever since. Bombing and Murdering people into submission NEVER works. It only gives them a reason to fight.
they weren’t equipped to do an occupation in 2022. they sure as shit are less equipped to do so now. It would be one of the bloodiest insurgencies in history. The Taliban didn’t have Leopards, Javelins, and HIMARs rockets they could put into hiding.
They have no intention of occupation. They will raze every city to the ground to control the pipes and food. They just want the pipes and food, and people who don’t allow that are just going to be ground up like so much meat.
Leaving who to grow the food and service the pipes?
Yeah, I don’t think that person realises that regardless of how cold and impersonal the resources are, you still need people to get the resources, and those people need to live, and that requires infrastructure, and that requires an occupation, that requires a functioning society.
If they go scorched earth, they get exactly that - scorched earth.
Honestly though I think the goal is not really resources but, as all fascists require, to have a perpetual enemy and a war to fight. Without that the fascists’ obsession with a plot turns inwards and they eat themselves.
Probably already has.
Given the Russian pushes since Trump won the election, I’m guessing the deal is “stop fighting (for a bit), but any land you’re currently on is yours to keep”.
This obviously will not apply to the bits of Russia currently under Ukrainian control.
Europe needs to up it’s munitions manufacture. Can’t rely on the US for that shit any more. They’ve gone mad.
YES, please stop relying on us, it’s become a very sore spot for a lot of people.
I mean a lot of US folks seem way more smug than actually upset about it. Bringing it up to derail the conversation whenever anyone mentions US imperialism or the one-sidedness of NATO policy, as if the US would ever accept, let alone desire a position as equal among equals.
Just IMO (and a lot of other peoples) military spending is completely out of control and a small fraction of it could pay for healthcare and education for everyone. But I agree the ruling class and associated MIC lobbyists aren’t going to let that happen any time soon, as nice as it would be.
Oh absolutely. Gotta keep the plebs desperate and divided, while billions upon billions disappear into the most toxic and destructive industry there is right alongside fossil fuel corporations.
They managed to keep military spending at an unprecedented level after the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war, in an amazing feat of governmental capture and exploitation by arms industry lobbyists. But it wasn’t enough, because it never is. Line must go up. The US has been seeking new reasons to funnel even more money their way ever since.
The problem is that the EU does this submissive bit because we also support the petrodollar. You’re buying the EU economy and markets with those weapons.
Imagine if we gave all of that back and aligned with China instead. It would instantly reduce the US to a regional power - fighting with runaway inflation - economically speaking. Not that I think that would be good for the EU either.
The status of the US as a superpower is founded on its alliances.
The US has a more powerful military than the next 9 countries of the top 10 combined. Based on war power expenditure. We shouldn’t neglect the soft power aspect, but the hard power will keep it a superpower barring collapse of society, which is totally possible.
And what do you pay that military with? Most of that expenditure is wages.
Having a huge and advanced military and getting your economy off a cliff can go one of two ways. Either Germany 1939 or Russia 1991.
There are very intelligent people at the department of defense. I often disagree with their decisions, but they know how the game is played. If the economy goes off a cliff, I guarantee you soldiers will still be paid.
Maybe we can broker a deal where Russia gets to keep the invaded land, but Ukraine becomes a full NATO member.
That should fuck up putins imperialist plans to revive the ussr.
I am so sad by how Ukraine has been handled.
The West should have been an overwhelming power against Russian imperialism. Ukraine should have been given everything from the beginning, no strings attached, with no self-imposed red lines.
They will swallow another democracy in 10-20 years and the cycle repeats.
Ah yes “muh Russian Imperialism” argument/excuse that we all heard a bajillion times
Your IQ is sub-zero, thanks for admitting that
What exactly do you describe Russia’s actions in Ukraine then if not imperialism? Do you believe Ukrainians have a right to self determination?
They lost the right when they Allowed a coup govt to take control & bow down to US interests & harbour Nazis
This is a gross and uneducated understanding of the issues that led to the revolution.
Suuuure cuz you said so, you’re also gonna deny the killing of ethnic Russians & Shelling in Donbas ? No Not even the fact that there was an agreement that NATO shouldn’t expand borders ?
No ? None at all ? Ok fine
That is literally a bullshit copypaste psyop that Russia regurgitated for over a decade to drum up a false narrative.
Unless you’re just a Russian who’s obligated to regurgitate your Nazi state Rhetoric, I’d suggest you educate yourself a little bit on the history of what caused this conflict, the sooner you realize that Russia has been waging probably the largest information war in history in the years leading up to this war.
**Understand one fundemental thing. Russia is a country that is mentally stuck in the 1700s and is obsessed over big lines on maps, speheres of influence, Emprie. It wants these things, It cant have these things without blood. It wont abandon its pursuit of these things. Russia wants America and NATO out of the picture so it can pick on who it wants. Russia has absolutely no chance of defeating NATO in a military conflict. So their only hope in a confrontation is to have the other side tear itself apart internally, everything they’ve done online the past 15 to 20 years has been in pursuit of that end goal. **
the sooner you realize that, you’ll stop making a fool of yourself, doing their work for them by posting the same garbage that they cooked up in a military internet troll farm to aid their tinpot worldview goals. And if you dont, well, dont bother replying with more of your crap to me, because I Have an acute sense for Russian Nazi / Kremlin propaganda. You’re wasting your time.
Even BBC confirmed it, all you’ve done is yell that it’s propaganda, sorry but nope, That doesn’t cut it anymore
& cut it out with the “troll” accusations, your side is the one spitting propaganda, people like you also said that Ukraine will bleed Russia dry, now the cat’s out of the bag You’re NAFO imperialists & not in any high positions of morality
USA forced Putin to blackmail/bribe the Ukrainian president to do a complete 180 on the EU and then kicked off a fuckoff huge series of protests? Remember to stretch before reaching that far
Suuuuure he Blackmailed, Russia has zero influence in Ukraine Maybe next time Speak with ACTUAL Ukrainians (Cuz I did)
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Resources mostly & technically what makes US a better alternative, I was expecting you to side with Both US & Putin due to your love for fascism
What do you call conquering neighboring countries to get more resources?
Putin has repeatedly mentioned in public interviews that he wants to restore the Russian Empire. Do you think he’s lying?
Suuuuuure & you think people who support putin are Putin simps who totally don’t want to simply not have US hegdemony
Remove america from the equation and Russians would still want a sphere of influence and colonies. Imperialism is married to the russian identity
Except America is the epitome of Imperialism (& by extension Europe)
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Whataboutisms are bad and you should feel bad
Ah yes, “
” argument/excuse that we all heard a bajillion times
Turns out neither the west or russia gives a shit about Ukraine.
nothing for the US to steal.
There is a lot in Ukraine to “steal”. It’s a large land mass with a long border with both Belarussia and Russia. They still have plenty of Black Sea border, and with proper support could have lot more. Breadbasket of Europe, plenty of nuclear plants and knowledge in that area. The Zone. Ukrainian people, one of the oldest cultures in Europe with all that that entails.
I don’t think they have the oil reserved the US wants to steal
Please be more concrete. Who is the west? Because in Denmark we throw resources at Ukraine to support their efforts.
Do you throw danish people?
Maybe no civilian targets. But other than that totally agree. We should have put lend lease circa 1940s to shame
Or not helping Boris Yeltsin against Gorbachev.
Or maybe the US should have stopped Catherine the great from annexing Crimea. Jesus you people.
Oh, right, I didn’t remember I wasn’t allowed to set the time frame. Only you have that power, right? 🤦♂️
Edit: and it was YOU the one talking about 1940s.
And he’s intentionally obtuse. What a winner.
Yep. It was a sad excuse not to intervene in 2014, but now? Pathetic.
And that would likely have ended the war sooner, causing less people to die, and making Putin less likely to try something like it in the future.
Tactically, the plan is to make Russia bleed to death rather than temporarily paralyse it.
Maximizing the loss of russian life and draining the russian economy to the point that the population won’t tolerate any further war is the goal. It’s unfortunate that this is at the cost of ongoing war in Ukraine.
This is a solid take, but the other side of the issue is the question of how long will it take the brainwashed Russian population to realize the economy has passed a point of no return? Outside of major cities much of Russia lives in 3rd world poverty. Will they even notice if the ruble falls to zero?
Some might not notice a change in the economy, but they will notice that their sons are being taken and that they are not coming back.
Approximately 1 in 1000 Russian males have now been killed. How many more will have to die for the average Russian to say “no more” is a tough question.
Yet, all other countries are supposed to send unlimited amounts of money and weapons? This is the same bullshit with everyone else… you want all our money, and that’s it.
If all other countries don’t send help, it just puts Putin one step closer to their borders.
And that’s the US’s problem right? We’re the World Police only when it’s convenient for some, but not others? If it that’s the case, I really wish people would stop hating on our government when we’re doing things like financing small proxy wars…
The US is not the only country that sent help to Ukraine you know.
And that’s the problem I have with how “some” of the government is selling this thing… “if we don’t send UNLIMITED funds to Russia, they’ll keep taking over everything!” And I just don’t buy it. Putin doesn’t want to be surrounded by NATO, that’s the sole reason he’s going after Ukraine. He’s not going to “keep going” like some are proclaiming, because he knows that will be a death sentence.
I think anybody above the age of 5 can see that your deranged opinion is not based on real-life events.
The right? Maybe not. The ability though? Certainly. Specifically the US absolutely has the power to negotiate an end to the war with Putin.
They could negotiate Russia’s end to the war using their own resources (ie. Mostly the embargos) but anything Ukraine forfeits would have to be negotiated by them. The US can’t just cede another nation’s land.
Unfortunately the US definitely can since it gave a lot of military aid to Ukraine. It can force Ukraine to cede land
On one hand, I get it; it’s their business and they should be at any negotiating tables that involve them. On the other, if, say, Germany made a deal with Putin to leave Ukraine alone that didn’t promise something of Ukraine’s to Russia, would that be bad? It’s one thing to negotiate with shit that doesn’t belong to you, like promising Russia can keep Donsk or some shit, but if they just sold them something of theirs to get them to fuck off, that would be helpful would it not?
That gives Putin an incentive to invade a different country to get more benefit.
Fair point.
Bro really just out there like “yo gimme 100 billion dollars to save my country but don’t you dare think you get to speak for me” SMH
You realize we’re helping Ukraine because it’s in our own best interest right?
People are acting like we do it out of our good hearted nature.
Also, we don’t get to speak for Ukraine just because we’re helping them. I’m tempted to say obviously but apparently it’s not that obvious.
What the US has a right to do is stop it’s support.
I have no doubts about that, the US has historically been pretty darn good about protecting their own interests.
The real question is whether it’s also in the Ukraine’s best interest.
You’d think this would be a fairly cut and dry issue - the countries helping Ukraine wouldn’t like it either if another country started negotiating terms on their behalf (especially not with a monster like Putin).
Ukraine and its people should be the ones to decide their own fate.
I swear people who think otherwise must’ve read David vs. Goliath and sided with the Goliath.
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Israel gets all the munitions it wants to enact a genocide, but Ukraine has to fight for every bullet to fight for its own sovereignty against a modern day dictator. The US government’s priorities really are something.
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The only thing that’s worse than having the US as your enemy, is having the US as your ally.
Oh fuck off with that.
They sure LOVED having the US as an ally when they were getting their asses handed to them during WW1 and WW2.
This is arguably the whole point of the war.
For Ukraine yes, but as far as Ukraine’s allies go? Only in principle. In reality we help Ukraine because it fucks up Russia, but we don’t give Ukraine the support it really needs or asks for because of [insert litany of excuses for years of delay on new weapons systems].
Proxy wars are nasty business, and Ukraine has precious little say in any of the macro decisions. Russia and Russia’s ennemies collectively hold all the negociation leverage.
Zelenskyy’s only hope is that domestic pressure will force the West to make a genuine effort at preserving as much of Ukraine’s sovereignty as possible, hence this media intervention.And he’s right to be worried, because the situation in Palestine shows, again, that most Western governments only stick to their stated principles when it’s politically convenient and shrug at literal genocide when it’s not. And the Russian propaganda machine is going to work overtime to make us think that any Russian concession to Ukraine would be against European interests.
And what is the western propaganda machine going to say?
With the extreme right taking over Europe? Whatever Russia says I suppose
Dude is actually benefitting from this war.