The Americans built their empire by forcibly taking over the lands of other peoples, extinguishing their cultures and languages, and forcing them to adopt the cultural traditions of the empire in the name of patriotism!
Meanwhile, China and Russia got that big by… uh…
literally by doing the same
Lmao imagine being that historically illiterate.
The west outgunned everybody because they had capitalism. China didn’t. Instead, china had gunboat diplomacy and 20% of junkies because the brits decided to use opium as a weapon of war.
Funny how it’salways some other countries fault, never the fault of the dictators.
Of course it’s the fault of dictators, idiot. How many dictators have been put there by a western coup?
Beside, you have shitty take all around. Didn’t you simp for the israelis?
Reminder: “US bad” is not a valid argument for “Russia good”
*confused tankie noises
Yes, it’s literally non sequitur. And a very popular propaganda move: [country A] is good because [country B] is worse. In fact, it usually is not even relatively good if there’s a need for such ‘argument’
What about “fascists bad”? Remember when the US coup’ed the USSR, liberalized everything and russians had nothing to eat for ten years?
There is no distinction between putin ultranationalism and american jingoism. It’s the people, in ukraine, in america, in russia vs the warmongeres who want to send the people to get butchered because it’s good for the economy.
You are the later.
Nothing in your rant justifies Russia invading a sovereign country, murdering its citizens or deporting its children.
Arguing agaist a nonexistent “pro US” stance and using it to morally justify Russia is exactly the kind of nonsense I was pointing out.
Russia is an american puppet. How is that difficult to understand? The regime exists because the US coup’ed them and the whole war is a subsidy to lockheed martin. You want the war to stop? Revolt against the west.
It’s not Trump being Putin’s bitch. It’s the exact opposite.
The one you have been arguing against seems like a bot or human waiting to annoy people for their satisfaction imo.
Yep :) I even haven’t been arguing with them, just posted a meme that I thought relevant - and as soon as I saw my mailbox explode, I blocked them.
Thanks for the concern tho ;)
Serieux ouvre un livre d’histoire, le va-t-en guerre.
“Nothing to eat for 10 years” is the find out part of Russia fucking around.
They are no better than the Nazis. Exact same MO. Occupy countries through Imperalistic expansion, genocide the local population, and make simps like you eat up their propaganda.
I look forward to the upcoming Russian collapse. Would be nice if they stop spreading nuclear weapons to terrorists like North Korea and Iran first.
(in a similar vein)
There is a third choice, where you say both are bad (ie. anarchists and pure marxists). But most people on lemmy.ML are Marxist Leninists (ML) who simp for authotarian states that call themselves socialist, like Russia, China, and North Korea.
russia does not even pretend to be socialist
that’s the craziest part to me! fuckin’ tankies acting like a hyperfascist regime is their ally is bonkers
Oppressive governments are the direct consequences of US imperialism omg. Hell, as soon as they show weakness they get coup’ed.
Yes I’m sure Soviet Union killing anarchists and genociding their Ukrainian polulation was the “direct consequence of US Imperialism”.
Also a 3 day old account posting on a single issue and spamming dozens of comments every 10 minutes. Dodgy behaviour.
You got me bro I’m in the lubyanka with Boris, we’re shoving caviar into our butthole.
Yes I’m sure Soviet Union killing anarchists and genociding their Ukrainian polulation was the “direct consequence of US Imperialism”.
Obviously, yes. The US decided to invade russia because communism was a bigger threat to them then german fascism. Obviously bolcheviks aren’t angels, but regime tends to take extreme measures when facing an invasion.
Every time this gets reposted I need to point out that it is spelled: “You are not an anti-imperialist”
English is stupid.
A beautiful man:
Un <= masculin (A)
Homme <= masculin (Man)
So the adjective should be masculine, right?
But as homme 1) starts with a H and the word does not have nordic descent, it’s not the masculine ‘beaux’ but feminine :
Un bel homme.
But not belle eh, just bel (they obviously sound exactly the same).
Because, it sounds better.
Which language was stupid now again?
It’s crazy humanity can communicate at all.
The tankies are out in full force in this thread.
They’re just fascists.
Stalin says to Kropotkin: “The difference between us is that you’re an aristocrat while I’m from the working class.”
Kropotkin answer: “True, but we also have something in common: We are both class traitors.”deleted by creator
Man, why did I stumble on this thread after the tankies got deleted
It’s the same empire, idiot. Who do you think sent Yeltsin in the first place?
Sponsoring fascists and then whine when they bit the hand that fed them is the west’s specialty. It happened in Russia, it happened with Iran, it happened with Afghanistan, and it will happen with Syria.
The worst part is that I get downvote from idiotic westoids, from the comfort of their chair, who got no skin in the game at all, who have a boner at more people dying because it’s good for their 401k. Don’t be fooled, it’s just a hidden subsidy to lockheed martin.
Meanwhile, my ukrainian friend is calling it north korea. You know, coz they cannot leave.
So edgy
“America should stop sending bombs to its puppet” is not supporting Russia.
Way to downplay the self determination of smaller countries! Ukraine allies with the US for the same reason Vietnam often sides with the US over China: the empire next door is a bigger problem than the empire on the other side of the planet. The US is the lesser evil in those situations, especially in Ukraine’s case.
The alternative is being an actual puppet to an empire that sees you as nothing but a buffer and a breadbasket. Being under the thumb of a reformed empire that inflicted famine and genocide on you and other neighbors. The ethnic Russian makeup of post Soviet countries isn’t a mistake, but an example of deliberate imperialism by that Russian empire.
In terms of this disrespect, Ukraine got of easy compared to countries like Kazakhstan. I don’t care how much you complain about landowners in Ukraine, I dare you to defend the population control and environmental destruction there as anything less than imperialist cruelty.
The Soviet Union was a red-washed Russian empire, not some model system that was much different than the liberty-clad American empire. It was not made of equal states, but a dominant power squeezing the rest. Nationalistic bullshit is what the selfish turn to when capitalism runs its course, and that’s what this tankie bullshit is: counter-revolutionary garbage where nothing fundamentally changes. The answers will never be that easy.
The ethnic Russian makeup of post Soviet countries isn’t a mistake, but an example of deliberate imperialism by that Russian empire.
Indeed. it’s the result of genocide. A genocide still ongoing in Ukraine as we speak. Which is something we should be mentioning a lot more
But… But… Nazis or some shit, its perfectly fine since they are all Nazis for sure. We will save Ukraine with this 3 day operation.
Vietnam still have malformed babies because of agent orange and if they side with the US they are cowards.
How utterly vile of you to call a country cowardly because they don’t toe your ideological line. Have you considered that maybe China is just that much more of a threat right now? That the world isn’t as simple or easy as you want it to be? No, because you’re a pathetic coward who can’t handle the truth.
deleted by creator
This is what the US have done to them. Totally the same as fighting over a few inlets in south china sea /s
I hope china drops pathogenic agent on the US lmao see how you like it when you see your kids for the first time and he doesn’t have a nose. Honestly, I’d rather be in the gulag.
Easy to say from the comfort of your armchair.
Easy to say with all your limbs the right size.
“Russia should stop sending bombs to its puppet” is not supporting the US.
I concur. Sadly I do not live in Russia and can’t call up Putin and tell him to knock it off.
You know very well that Putin will knock you off the window if you said that.
Give me his number and I’ll call him. I hear he’s doing things in Georgia, lets see if he comes up to SC to throw me out a window.
That makes it evem more wild that you seem to support him.
It is when those bombs are actively helping to stop Russian imperialism.
Those bombs are blowing up people in Ukraine, statistically in America’s conflicts, it’s like 10 civilians to 140 for every “enemy combatant”, and I doubt the Ukrainian conscripts are more disciplined and trained than America is.
Do you genuinely believe America has any interest at all in improving conditions for the people of Ukraine? Has that been true one single time since WWII?
There’s 3 parties here who can unilaterally end the war that has killed or wounded over a million and displaced millions more, America, Russia, and Ukraine.
Oh, how can Ukraine end the war without essentially giving up and letting Russia win territories through this imperialistic war?
Its only choice is how many of it’s kids they want to send into a meatgrinder trying to hold onto the Russian-speaking territories whose people it didn’t seem to like very much before the invasion, and it seems to like even less now.
There’s no realistic way for Ukraine to push Russia out, let alone deal with the resulting insurgency. Same applies if Russia tried to hold the Ukrainian-majority territories. Actually they’re probably in for an insurgency either way given their conduct.
Lots of words for saying “they can’t”
Then leave them the fucking dombass, who tf cares? Alquaeda and the americans just invaded Syria and I don’t see you whining about it.
Also if an asshole came up to you, shot you in the leg and demanded your house, how would you react when people around you said “just give him the garden and cellar as compromise”
No they absolutely can end the war by agreeing to a peace deal giving up the territories Russia occupies. They came close to agreeing on as much 2 years ago, with Russia ceding much of the territory they occupied at the time, before Boris Johnson changed the equation by pledging unlimited support. Now here we are 2 years later, over a million dead and wounded, UXO littered across the country, entire cities leveled by fighting, the right-wing even more entrenched in both countries, and nothing to show for it.
Mate, the only thing you have to say is that Ukraine is getting fucked over left and right. Instead you find the strangest ways to twist that into apologizing for Russian imperialist interests.
statistically in America’s conflicts, it’s like 10 civilians to 140 for every “enemy combatant”, and I doubt the Ukrainian conscripts are more disciplined and trained than America is
Surely you understand the very different nature of America’s recent conflicts (air strikes on small numbers of militants living among civilians) to the war in Ukraine (frontlines where civilians have been evacuated and every building has been destroyed). Or taking your numbers of 10 to 140 civilians for every enemy combatant, are you suggesting that Ukrainian soldiers have killed on the order of a million to ten million civilians as “collateral damage”?
Do you genuinely believe America has any interest at all in improving conditions for the people of Ukraine?
I believe that is irrelevant to the Ukrainians. They are happy to get any support they can to help fight off their would-be oppressors. Whether or not America is interested in improving the conditions for the people of Ukraine, it only takes one look at Russia and then at the EU to see where the common people have a better standard of living.
There’s 3 parties here who can unilaterally end the war that has killed or wounded over a million and displaced millions more, America, Russia, and Ukraine.
Of those three, only Russia can end the war unilaterally with no downsides to any party. Ukraine can only end the war unilaterally if they want to be subjugated under Russian oppression. I fail to see how America could end the war unilaterally. Even if they cut all military support to Ukraine, Ukrainians will keep fighting because they do not want to be ruled by Russia.
“Trump just wants to save America”. That’s what you sound like.
I am under no impression that Putin wants to save Ukraine. I am observing that what is happening is far worse than if they had agreed to the peace deal they had in 2022, and far far worse than if they simply enforced the minsk II agreement.
It would have been better if Russia had abided by the Minsk II agreement. Better yet, if the Budapest memorandum had been enforced and Russia not invaded its sovereign neighbor to begin with. But power is the only language Russia speaks.
Not clear how Russia didn’t abide by Minsk. Ukraine/west are the ones who didn’t abide. You’re saying running out of patience is “not abiding”?
Ukraine desperately wants those bombs. They remember what it was like living under Russian imperialist rule. They remember that Russia genocided 10% of their population the last time they were conquered.
Ukraine desperately wants those bombs
The government of Ukraine wants those bombs to take control over a territory filled with people they are openly hostile to. The people, like all people, want to live in peace.
Do you really think that this particular bourgeoisie democracy, unlike all the others, represents the people? One that has suspended elections and throws people in prison for “questioning Ukraine’s territorial integrity”?
Every single military action the US has taken since WWII, the US has been acting directly contrary to the interests of the people it claimed to be helping, and every single time the US population gets duped into thinking this time they’re there to help. Why do you think this one is different?
What they’re defending against is being raped, murdered, starved and having their children stolen by Russia. All you Tankies always try to distract from and ignore the suffering and mountain of corpses left in Russia’s wake. You don’t get to ignore the 300 thousand children stolen by Russia or the 5 million killed in the Holodomor.
distract from and ignore the suffering and mountain of corpses
You are the one advocating for more human lives to be sacrificed over some nationalist horseshit. Every bomb we send adds more corpses to the pile. I want peace as quickly as possible.
The Holodomor happened years after Russia achieved their so-called “peace”. The suffering and death in Ukraine will only increase under Russian subjugation. The only way to put an end to it is for Russia to lose and preferably Putin be brought in front of the Hague and publicly hanged for his crimes against humanity.
The holodomor happened to the USSR during wide-spread crop failure, it’s kinda irrelevent to modern Russia.
The suffering and death in Ukraine will only increase under Russian subjugation
There will be similar amounts of suffering and death under the other bourgeoisie democracy run by a literal billionaire. Either would be far, far better for the people than what they are experiencing now.
Putin be brought in front of the Hague and publicly hanged for his crimes against humanity
Yup, same with Zelensky, Biden, Trump, and most every other leader who could stop this and doesn’t.
The only way to put an end to it is for Russia to lose
No, the only way to put an end to it is peace.
“America should stop sending bombs to its puppet” is not supporting Russia.
It’s like saying lobbying to continue the usage of fossil fuel is not supporting oil company.