A Florida woman who traveled to Australia to "get into clown school" and was stopped when Australian Border Force officers found a pistol and ammunition in her luggage said Google told her it was "OK."
A review of Goodson’s phone revealed she had searched online “can I have a gun in my suitcase?” and set a calendar entry with a note reminding her to “put gun in suitcase”.
“What about the gun in your bag?” she was asked by a customs officer.
Goodson replied: “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”
“I am scared of shooting it… I would probably just pistol whip until I got training again,” she said.
The court also heard that she previously owned two other guns while living in the States, but she had accidentally given them away. "Those guns I ended up giving away, because I accidentally left them in a donation box."
There’s even more to the story, every step even more absurd than the other:
US woman caught with golden gun in luggage at Sydney airport jailed for a year
US woman backflips in court, pleads guilty to smuggling 24-carat gold gun into Sydney
Clown school principal: “I’m sorry ma’am, we have nothing to teach you.”
I’m gonna need a courtroom sketch of that
You’re welcome.
Holy fuck 💀
The stupid of this chick really manages to one-up itself with each sentence, huh?