Covering a water mark, maybe? 🤷
Covering a water mark, maybe? 🤷
Yeah, that’s why the MAGA cult calls him a socialist and “not Christian” 🤦
So now they’re free to spy on anyone for existing while suspected of being LGBTQ+? Well that’s fucking great!
Guess it’s just a matter of time before the return of “sodomy” laws 🤬
distorted the facts
He willfully and maliciously lied. Fact checkers of all people should have the guts to call that particular spade a spade.
This may be more to do with opportunistic score settling than alignment with Trump
It might, but given that the guy doing the firing is the founder and still leader of the ultranationalist hive of bigots known as New Zealand First, I think it’s beyond safe to assume that he’s aligned with Trump on at least one issue…
You’re not able to free-think. You are the face of New Zealand
Like many of the things ultranationalist scumbags like Winston Peters say, that speaks volumes about why jingoism is ruinous for the countries it purports to lionize…
Coveted Patina is also the less successful sequel to Stephen King’s Needful Things.
He’s still doing pretty well for someone who’s been dead since 1937, though 🤷
he criticized U.S. passenger rail as “embarrassing” compared to other countries.
He’s actually right about that but 100% wrong about why: US passenger rail is embarrassing due to
In short, the Apartheid Nepo Nazi wants to pretend to fix it by doing more of what ruined it.
I like how it makes just as little sense WITH context as without 😄
Yeah, that’s probably why Trump keeps winning the white woman vote in spite of everything he’s ever said or done to or about women…
#Feminism #LadyBigotry
Tracks with the overall fascist hellscape that is the TtTE universe…
Damn, good point… Antarctica it is!
Better idea: move Israel to Alaska, Montana, the Dakotas, and Wyoming.
All of those states are mostly empty anyway and about as enthusiastic about far right politics, hating Muslims and Arabs, and favoring ethnostates.
Then MPPA (Make Palestine Palestine Again), a secular state that doesn’t oppress ethnic and religious minorities, or at least not as a matter of deliberate policy.
I disapprove of JD Vance’s pants
So does his couch
The people are, in fact, removed.
Many will be, yes. First they came for the immigrants…
Don’t hold back when you know you’re right.