• 🇦🇺Baku@sh.itjust.works
    10 days ago

    Thanks for the kind words/wishes yesterday, and low for reaching out

    I just want to clarify in case I’ve sent the weekly message, I’m okay. Well I’m about 30% okay, but I’ll get through it.

    I left because over the last few months I’ve really just felt like a burden pretty much any time I say anything. It’s not entirely because of what I say, but I think more often because I realise that everyone else, whether here or not, has much larger issues, while I’m off complaining about minor things in approximately 7,000 worse per comment. I tried to fix that by cutting down on what I say, how often I’m here, and by trying to help other people when I could, or otherwise try and be openly empathetic (I used to hold off because I thought that “aw I’m sorry such and such is happening to you. Hope it stops happening soon!” sounded too much like a hollow statement, despite finding it very helpful when people would reply to my troubles similarly). But usually I ended up figuring out a way to make it about me, which was pretty awful of me, and I almost deleted my account a few weeks ago when I realised. But I took a little break instead

    The break doesn’t seem to have helped, I think I’m just genuinely shit at anything that’s not a 1 sided dialogue. I hate that, and to be honest, kind of despise myself for it. Probably a side effect of not having many friends when I was younger so not developing proper social skills, and being in care for so long, where everything very much is one sided and hollow. But in any case, it’s a deficit that I realise I have, and can’t seem to be able to fix. But I think because of that, I’m not a very good person to interact with, so until I do work it out, I just don’t think I do anyone any good being around here

    But I do sincerely appreciate the help and advice everybody here had given me. You are all amazing people, and I’m sorry for the troubles I’ve caused

    I’ll be back one day, but I don’t think I should come back until I know I can do better. I actually think that may come naturally once I move out and into an environment more conducive to good mental helath


    • Eagle@aussie.zone
      10 days ago

      Much love to you Baku. No one has this thing called life figured out, those that look like they do are just pretending. You’ll be okay, and we’ll be here when you’re ready to come back.

    • TheWitchofThornbury@aussie.zone
      10 days ago

      Baku, you are NOT a burden. For many of us you’re a shining light. Social skills is something we all struggle with from time to time, and you do as well as any and better than some. Growing up is hard work, and even harder for those that are self-aware. I, for one, value very much your willingness to communicate. We may never meet you in person, but I think we all have a pretty strong liking for you, and much respect for your courage and good heart.

      But you do you. We will be here when you feel you are ready to resume transmission.

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      10 days ago

      Hey Baku. It’s the internet. It’s hard to get the right tone across. I think everyone has failed at that atleast once. You’re a bright young man. Don’t hold a grudge against yourself.

      All the freaky people make the beauty of the world - Michael Franti.

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      10 days ago

      Dude, what you’ve been through and are still doing isn’t a small struggle. It can and does result in ptsd. There’s no reason to be sorry, there has been no trouble caused.

      You take all the space you need to settle though, there’s no pressure. Lemmy will still be here

    • anotherspringchicken@aussie.zone
      10 days ago

      Hang in there, Baku. We all have different troubles and we all deal with them in different ways, and yours are no less important than anyone else’s. Writing stuff down and having a vent can actually be helpful in dealing with things, I reckon, and I don’t think anyone here minds if you do that.

      I also get what you mean about not knowing what to say when you want to sympathise with other people - I feel like that, too. Can’t quite find the words to say what I really mean, or worry that it comes across as trite. It can be so much harder in print rather than in person, without the extra nuance.

      Studying can be stressful, too. Take care of yourself and I hope you’re feeling better soon; do come back when you’re ready.

    • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
      10 days ago

      I feel exactly the same way. With the one-sidedness, hollow statements, social skills. Can I just say, I come here and complain about the most trivial shit and somehow I’m still welcome here?

      For what it’s worth, we’ve all got big and small things going on. A cool part about being human is getting to talk about what’s happening in our lives. We are social creatures. Your story and your presence is part of this community. It is one part of the awesome mosaic we’ve got on here, and helps make the community what it is.

      I’d like to think many people go home and talk about their days to the people they live with, if they don’t live alone. This is one way of doing that.

      You have caused the opposite of trouble. In fact, I look forward to reading your updates. Rooting for you.

      P.S. your train knowledge is very impressive. I have a feeling you’d be fun to train spot with.

  • Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    I’m down for the count. Holy fuck I forgot how much it hurts.

    I’m messaging the place and locking in a slot for the next open mic which is in 2 weeks.

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Morning all! Thought I’d update you on my lifely happenings. Elder Minipeeler has started at his new school and it’s been great so far! The first morning he really tried to get out of it and I had to chase after him a couple of times because he was so strongly reluctant to go in. But the boy who greeted me at the train station in the afternoon was a different person; relaxed, relieved, happy and even a little confident. He’s chosen Fitness as his elective subject for the term, which is a huge departure for a kid who’s not really into sports etc, which shows me he’s interested in improving himself. He’s kicking goals and I’m so proud 🥲

    Now Miniest is having issues with school 🤦🏻‍♀️As well as getting a sniffle the first 2 days back, she’s been getting headaches from the rowdy noisy class she’s in. There’s a cohort of disruptive boys in the class who are in grade 6 (it’s a 5/6 mixed class) so the school has no motivation to deal with it as they’ll be gone soon. The teacher is really lovely but seems to have no authority or method of dealing with it (seems new to the job). I feel like he needs to show some assertiveness and calm strong leadership and “grow a pair”, or 12 year olds will take full advantage of the lack of repercussions. I can see some parent - teacher/school communication in my 🔮

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Been a day of painful, chesty coughing. Luckily not as bad as the previous time, hoping this bloody clears up soon. No fever or chills so far thankfully. Regular codral seems to be helping (even though it’s not the good shit).

    Soxcat has been very affectionate today, sat on my lap for hours and was in my face quite a bit. I’m so grateful to have her company during these trying times.


  • Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Nurse Gibson is keeping a close eye on me.

    Edit: I’m going to be extravagant and get take out for dinner. Usually it’s a pay day treat but fuck it.

  • Gibsonhasafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Just wanted to say thankd to everyone for all the good vibes about me doing a gig. It’s made a real difference ❤️

    Edit: new gig booked. 8:30pm 17th October. Will drop a message in here the day before if anyone wants to come along :)

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Ah, a sign of the times that the Tenants Victoria call line goes straight to “we are experiencing a higher than usual call volume and cannot help you” right after pressing the numbers to get assistance as a private renter. Guess I’ll have to spam call over and over

    E: managed to get through to a really lovely lady, unfortunately it’s really unclear as to whether VCAT would consider that “market rates” include REA fees de jure (even though they very much do de facto). But it’s worth trying to appeal anyway, I guess. Gotta do what I can 🤷

    E2: appeal lodged. I’m really not confident I’ll get a rent reduction but ah well. Not fussed about souring the relationship with LL when they were the ones who pulled the dick move anyway. I don’t want to move and be locked into a year long contract when I’ll leave by June. Might look at slowly getting rid of my stuff (and plants…) in the new year and see if I can go stay with a friend or extended family member for cheap in the last couple months and leave this place earlier, if possible.

      • just_kitten@aussie.zone
        11 days ago

        Thanks mate. Chances are once I leave I’m gonna have a fresh start and I’ll give the established stuff away, and turf the rest. Let’s see if I can rejuvenate these curry leaf plants, they’re probably the biggest buggers on the balcony. Could sell em on possibly.

    • anotherspringchicken@aussie.zone
      11 days ago

      I’m so sorry that’s happened, it totally sucks that they can increase the rent so much in one go. Hope the appeal is successful in at least reducing the increase a bit

  • danwritesbooks@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    I was looking at an old photo from a scrapbook I found and I was trying to see something a bit clearer and started to do that two finger zoom in thing you do on digital photos…technology really has changed things.

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Gas company: We need to do a physical reading this time because previously we heard a dog barking from inside your house so was unable to so please leave your gate unlocked for 5 consecutive days from 8am - 5pm even though your dog knows that it’s unlocked and thus wants to spend his entire day outside barking at shadows and basking in the little bit of sunshine that this wonderful city provides. We may turn up. We may not because you will never know until you receive our bill. Thank you.

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      11 days ago

      Once upon a time they used to read my gas meter every couple of months, and they would send me a bill after they did so. Now they seem to read the actual meter on random irregular intervals, but the bill is on a set monthly cycle that involves them estimating the reading, then doing lots of inpenetrable mathematics to make things match up to the ocassional actual meter readings.

        • Taleya@aussie.zone
          11 days ago

          you with globird? I definitely know you can with that. Have a look at your bill, if it’s E then I think legally you have to be able to challenge with a pic of the meter.

      • Taleya@aussie.zone
        11 days ago

        yeah mine still thinks we have gas ducted. I normally just pay and not care, but they took the piss a bit this winter, so I just kept taking photos of the meter and sending back to recalculate. Turned a $400 gas bill into a $120 credit lol

  • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Time to respawn the gratitude thread?

    Yesterday I spoke to someone at uni and had a good chat. I have sat with her and a few other people in class, but I keep forgetting to ask for their names. Seeing as next week is the last class, I might ask if we can all keep in touch considering most of us would be graduating. Or I can never see them again hehe

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    11 days ago

    Watsonias punching it!

    Dosed them up with a lot of potassium a few weeks ago and with the watering system in (which I’m so very glad I did that, has taken a lot of stress out of things) they’re loving it.