I usually avoid politics on this community but thought this article kinda fit

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Man, you took the words right out of my mouth…or my typing fingers as it were. I was going to say almost exactly that. I remember them saying “Covid is a hoax. Covid is all a democrat conspiracy…”

    And democrats took it seriously. Wore masks, stayed 6 feet apart, got vaccinated. Yes, it affected democrat cities, because cities are more densely compact than rural areas, but somehow those rural area republican voters are the ones that it affected the most. Suddenly I was seeing posts online like “I didn’t think this was real, but now my brother is dead. Treat it seriously guys!!!” and they’d get ignored by their own people.

    Oh NOW it’s real? NOW it’s no longer a hoax, because it affected you personally??? I feel cynical in saying that I don’t feel empathy for that type of person, because it’s such a self inflicted wound, but it’s true. If rural areas put the same amount of care into covid precautions as the democrat voters did, they’d have been largely unaffected. Forget 6 feet apart. They live on farms. It would be like 6 acres apart. You know why I wasn’t largely affected by covid? Because I wore a mask. I stayed my distance. I got 4 different rounds of vaccines. I listened to medical advice. If they’d have done the same, these sob stories of people doing stupid things facing stupid but very real consequences wouldn’t exist.

    Sorry to go off on a rant, but this just bug me so much. People that refuse to believe anything is that big of a deal, unless it minorly inconviences them. Then it’s the biggest deal in the world. Not that covid was a minor inconvience…but it could have been if everyone just did what doctors said. For me personally it was a minor inconvience, which I feel a lot of other people COULD have had the same experience. My 98 year old grandma lived to be 102, just recently dying because everyone in my family agreed to treat her like a fragile piece of glass. Yet these people can’t be bothered to wear a cloth over their face in public, AND THEN HAD THE GALL TO USE “I CAN’T BREATHE” AS THEIR MOTTO FOR NOT WEARING THEM!!! This at a time when “I can’t breathe” was already the motto for the injustice that George Floyd faced.

    Ok, I have to stop now. I’m getting myself worked up.