Yes, there’s more to it than that and it’s quite stupid and also quite bigoted. Republicans don’t need to know that. They didn’t and won’t read his book anyway.

    3 months ago

    Every straight person I’ve talked to says they knew they were straight very early on.

    Idk, man. There are definitely people I know with a very clear gender identity from an early age. But their were plenty more that weren’t so cemented at one pole or the other of the Kinsey Scale.

    If this dude “convinced” himself he was gay, well, I think he might just be at least bi.

    The problem is fundamentally of definition. Are you simply Bisexual or are you Deluded By Satan Into Having Impure Thoughts?

    The answer is entirely rooted in your morality. If you’re convinced homosexuality is evil, then of course you’re going to feel like any non-straight impulse must be a sin.