This sounds fun.
I’ll distract the raiders with my amusing vanity plate.
No clue what it’ll be but it’ll certainly be rad.
I suppose I could travel pretty quickly.
I’m too cool to die >:3
How does that work if your name isn’t a verb or noun?
It doesn’t
It means it’s useless in such a situation.
I’m either slapping people to death with a broken 40’ tv; or i am using screen shards as knifes. Prefer the first one tbh.
You tell me…
A raven kicked you and you fell on a blade. That’s how you die.
I’m a c-shaped knife, basically a sickle; At least I can go down swinging .
I’ll get bludgeoned to death by the barbarians after they realise I can’t actually yodel but just give academic lectures about yodelling. So I’m not even useful for keeping people entertained.
Idk I have no idea what TxzK means
Oh hai mark
My name saves me because they recognize me from all my comments made before the apocalypse and wanna hang out.
my paws can inflict equal amounts of pleasure or pain, so I have that going for me at least
Mine is how I flavored my paladin’s Spirit Guardians, so everything within 15 ft of me takes a boatload of shiny damage and walks slowly… Think I’m in good shape, if very lonely