If yes, where would you move to?
If no, why not?
I ask this as someone who has moved around a lot (5 states) for better working opportunities. I often hear people say they wish they could leave their current city/state/country, but money is often (understandably) an issue.
I dream of being in New Zealand or a Nordic country, but I’m a broke American loser who’s too poor to even go visit those countries, and so they don’t even want me there in the first place. I will keep dreaming, and die with my dreams unfulfilled. Maybe next life.
@shadowSprite surreal to see this comment.
New Zealand is on one of its periodic kill the poor phases at the moment, the government has made massive cuts to welfare and intends to give retrospective tax cuts to landlords.
It’s also scrapped all its environmental protections.
That’s why I’d only go there if money wasn’t an issue :) otherwise I’d rather be in a Nordic country. It’s a shame to see countries look at the US and think we’re something to emulate.
@shadowSprite in NZ’s case we’re emulating ourselves circa 1986.
Idk I’d rather be somewhere where they treat people well even if it doesn’t affect me personally.
New Zealand is very weird for an American. Its miles away from everything and the cities are tiny, of which there aren’t many.
The culture seems to be quite grating for Americans. It’s hard to get a lot of things and stores and such close early, doesnt fit well with American consumerism.
People are nice but not terribly friendly or social even in small towns. A lot of people do quiet activities like solo hiking.