This is not me saying at all that Trump is better than Biden; it’s more of an equalization argument that I truthfully can’t see a fiscal difference.

It’s been well known by people like us that the two bourgeois parties are basically the same, but I never really understood how close they were until the last like, 6 months.

Maybe it’s JUST Biden that’s super similar. But regardless, I just don’t see the difference. He spews nice words about trans rights, workers, all of these good things. But the exact same shit that happened under Trump basically happened under Biden. Funding for genocidal states, proxy war funding, funding police, loss of abortion federal protection, separation of kids and parents at the border, etc.

People keep saying Biden is marginally better, where?

I don’t know. I can’t bring myself to vote for any of these guys this time around.

    8 months ago

    Racist geriatric maniac who bombs the middle east vs racist geriatric maniac who bombs the middle east. Neither is better or worse than the other at this point

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      8 months ago

      At least one of the two sought to leave Syria (though they still also bombed it, because of course they did). Though when it comes to the MENA region I think I agree, both are as vile and deranged as it gets.

      • D61 [any]
        8 months ago

        “Leaving” doesn’t mean much when there are CIA backed militant groups, Special Forces, and private military contractors that can all do the same thing as the soldiers that were redeployed somewhere else.

        • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
          8 months ago

          On one hand; agreed. On the other- those US troops illegally stationed in Syria are there for multiple reasons, not all of which their “non-state actor” counterparts can fulfill- and one of those reasons, is to be a tripwire force, whose presence and any casualties can then be used as an excuse to manufacture consent for greater military escalations up to and including open war.

          Once the US troops are out, Syria can begin the (still difficult) process of weeding out the US proxies.

          • D61 [any]
            8 months ago

            At the moment, there aren’t enough reserve troops or political will to fully engage if the tripwire force was … tripped?

            Best we can manage at the moment is just some long range missile strikes or small scale carpet bombing.

            But yeah, fair point. (Though I suppose you could replace the soldiers with NGO’s doing “humanitarian aid” janet-wink and wait for them to start getting attacked as the same function)

    8 months ago

    The irony is that the Americans are slaves to their electoral system. Liberal democracies are one big, pathetic myth where they make the masses believe that they are the ones in control of the polity and just like they elected someone into a position of power they can dismiss them in later elections.

    The discourse that has been happening shows quite a different reality: Americans are treating the elections as if there is no alternative. Even if there indeed was no alternative, they don’t bargain with the ones in power, they don’t use their vote as a bargaining chip for political change. They are ready to vote unconditionally because they accept their candidate as is.

    You don’t see democrat voters pressuring the Biden administration to put an end to the genocide in Palestine. They feel uneasy towards what’s happening but ultimately they consider themselves to be powerless. Western democracy and constitutionalism have politically alienated the people.

      8 months ago

      The Pax Americana educational system will avoid debate over the meaning of words like ‘democracy’ so that the manipulation of definition of words allow the Pax Americana to use democracy slogan to justify authoritarianism in their hypocrisy. They will convince the people that electoralism is the only indicator of democracy, but then claim that an election was rigged if the election result does not suit Pax Americana like the allegation by Hillary Clinton in 2016, by Donald Trump in 2020, and by Neo-Liberal American politicians about Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro. Like with the electoralism in USSR, the Pax Americana will later denied the existance of electoralism in a country after claiming that the electoralism was rigged to maintain their indoctrination that electoralism is the only indicator of democracy.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    8 months ago

    There’s no meaningful difference between republicans and democracts because both parties represent the interests of class that holds power in the end. And this isn’t just us Marxists saying this, here’s what a Princeton study analyzing many decades of US policy concluded:

    What do our findings say about democracy in America? They certainly constitute troubling news for advocates of “populistic” democracy, who want governments to respond primarily or exclusively to the policy preferences of their citizens. In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule—at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcomes. When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the U.S. political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it.

    US elections are just a circus with the sole aim of making people feel like they’re participating in the political process. Republicans are a brand curated to appeal to social conservative people and Democrats are a brand for socially liberal ones. The goal is to get people to get invested in issues that don’t threaten capital and to fight over them. As Parenti so aptly puts it in Blackshirts and Reds:

    Seizing upon anything but class, leftists today have developed an array of identity groups centering around ethnic, gender, cultural, and life-style issues. These groups treat their respective grievances as something apart from class struggle, and have almost nothing to say about the increasingly harsh politico-economic class injustices perpe­trated against us all. Identity groups tend to emphasize their distinc­tiveness and their separateness from each other, thus fractionalizing the protest movement. To be sure, they have important contributions to make around issues that are particularly salient to them, issues often overlooked by others. But they also should not downplay their common interests, nor overlook the common class enemy they face. The forces that impose class injustice and economic exploitation are the same ones that propagate racism, sexism, militarism, ecological devastation, homophobia, xenophobia, and the like.

    • I would say its worse than a circus, because with the exception of the time a circus elephant ran through my back yard I can ignore a circus. In the US I cannot ignore an election, no matter how much I tried the news cycle is now built atleast partly around a “big election that will make or break everything” happening soon, either this year or next and if its next we have to start working on it now. It could be just my perseption, but it genuinly seems like the more obvious it is that things are breaking the move the election circus is pushed, as if we have not been playing that way for decades or more

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        8 months ago

        It is an obnoxious spectacle to be sure, and I’m subjected to it living outside the US as well. I do imagine sucking up all the air in the room is an intentional feature. The more news coverage focuses on the election the less attention is given to everything else that’s going on.

        • Oh undoubtedly, not only does it take away attention from the bigger issues, but it gives the masses a way to channel their frustration through an acceptable (read will do nothing of note) path, and then they can move on with their day. It also gives them a convenent scape goat, the other half of the uniparty, to blame for everything wrong in the world, without focusing on any real systemic issues.

  • Kaplya [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    You are not giving Biden enough credit.

    Take a look at this:

    From 2016-2019, white family wealth had stagnated under Trump. From 2019-2022, white family wealth exploded upwards while black and Hispanic family wealth had remained in stagnation, and that’s just the first 2 years of Biden administration.

    In fact, black families found themselves getting poorer under Biden, while the opposite is true for white families:

    Source: Federal Reserve

    Under Trump, everyone suffered. But under Biden, rich white people are experiencing some of the fastest growth in their wealth in a long time, while screwing the other minorities along the way. That’s the difference between Trump and Biden.

  • loathsome
    8 months ago

    What baffles me is that democRATs cannot produce any viable candidate apart from Biden. Do they have no idea how bad it looks? Even disregarding that Biden is a racist genocidal piece of shit (something that democrats do not care about), he is degenerating neurologically by the day. Looking at him I cannot confidently say that one year from now he will be able to walk and talk at all.

      8 months ago

      I find this very peculiar. They are in the “vote blue no matter what” mode even if “what” is open genocide, so they should also with no problem vote blue no matter who, and their entire campain for Biden have exactly one point “he is not Trump” anyway.

      So why that carcass, they could as well put up random John Doe, Florida Man or a cat and “not Trump” would still work.

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        8 months ago

        This is the problem with listening to their rhetoric rather thsn looking st their acrions. Their rhetoric is a smokescreen; their actions reveal their true values.

        “Vote blue no matter who” is a rationalization. You are correct that if they wanted to win no matter what, they’d pick a better candidate than one who is explicitly pro-genocide, has dementia, and has fucked the working class over for his entire career. They’d go with a Bernie style populist and run on his wildly popular platform.

        Western white liberals are at their core extremely racist. They fear and hate bipoc people, Middle Easterners, and especially Muslims. So Biden’s genocide in Palestine is actually a positive for them – but many* have enough self awareness to know they can’t openly cheer for it without revealing how depraved they are. They don’t just want to beat Trump, they want to do so while maintaining the fascist, imperialist, capitalist project. Biden is their guy

        • Thomas L Friedman who recently got an op-ed published in the New York Times likening Middle Easterners to wasps and calling for the entire region to be set on fire, is a notable exception
        • Red Wizard 🪄
          8 months ago

          I had someone say to me recently “I have nothing against Muslim people, but I don’t like their religion. The religion says you should be put to death if you leave it.”

          Not knowing a lot about the Islomic faith I left it alone. I imagine the list of religions void of violent punishment for going against its faith is short.

          But logically, there must be different sects or denominations of the islomic faith that worship differently, interpret their texts differently, and are ultimately not “violent” in their expression. Aka Islam can’t simply be a monolith.

          So to hold that point of view, that islam is a violent monolith, you must at least agree then that all practicing Muslims have violence at the core of their faith and by extension are more violent…

          Which is void of any materialism.

          • My mom is Muslim and warned me not to be public about my apostasy in case some extremists went after me. But in all the years I’ve been an apostate, I’ve told plenty of Muslims and their attitude has always been very chill and accepting – “that’s between you and Allah”, “hope you find your way back but even if you don’t you’re clearly a good and principled person and inshallah that has to count for something. Allah is merciful after all!”, " it’s not my place to judge". No Muslim has ever given me shit for leaving the faith. In fact when I’ve told them about why (I simply can’t worship someone who refused to protect my family from AmeriKKKa’s systemic racism and hatred of Muslims) they’ve been sympathetic.

            Whoever said that to you is full of shit, propagates racist Islamophobic lies, and should go die.

            • Red Wizard 🪄
              8 months ago

              Yeah thats what I imagined the experience being like. It doesn’t sound like it’s much different then others dealing with falling out of their religion. This person wasn’t a random person, so I’ll take your closing sentence as an expression of frustration. We’ve both been doing a lot of learning in recent years and this is just another one of those moments. Confronting your own reactionary tendencies doesn’t happen all at once.

              But thank you comrade for your perspective, its valued.

              • Thanks. Yeah, it’s frustration, I already used up more than a lifetime’s worth of patience on having compassion for racists. It got me nowhere good and I don’t feel I should have to put up with their shit anymore. I can’t anymore even when I try. At this point I’m just automatically hostile to them, but I still appreciate other people who can have the patience to try to rehabilitate them. You’re doing the Lord’s work reeducating them so the rest of us don’t have to deal with their shit.

                • Red Wizard 🪄
                  8 months ago

                  We’re all ignorant until we’re not. Its more fair to say in my case that we’re reeducating each other, because I am not without my own reactionary tendencies. The key is a willingness to learn.

        8 months ago

        My best guess is because Dems alienated their power base. They used to be “the progressive choice”, but over the years have shown they’re just the same as pre-Trump Republicans, just a little less homophobic and racist. As long as I can remember, Dems usually struggle to rally behind a single candidate and it has hurt them in elections. There’d be, like, 3 Dem choices while Republicans get it boiled down pretty quick, and the Dems always betray the most popular to select the most status quo.

        So, if I had to guess why Genocide Joe is still in and backed by them, it’s because they recognize they simply can’t afford the arguments and division. Nobody likes them except deluded libs. Nobody believes or trusts them. Progressives are disillusioned, many realizing voting doesn’t work, others desperately looking for an alternative. Meanwhile, Republicans don’t have that issue. The Trump cult wants him back, and failing that they’ll overwhelmingly select the closest to him, because to them voting is more about patriotism and owning the lib. They’ll vote so they can say it’s rigged if they lose.

    • D61 [any]
      8 months ago

      Viable in what sense?

      Getting votes? Getting their “base” motivated to take part in the election?

      'Casue I imagine that with Trump being the Republican candidate, the Dems are going to be able to fund raise like crazy.

      8 months ago

      They could literally just fish one of the candidates from last time’s primaries, who are already part of the administration. Mayo Pete? Kamala Harris? Literally anybody who is not at risk of randomly dying of natural causes from now to January next year?

      I still maintain my position that the DNC wants to lose, so they can keep the “battle for the soul of our nation” distraction going for another cycle or two. Though I don’t think it’s going to work, I doubt their electoral system is going to last that long.

      8 months ago

      Do the high-ups really think Biden is the “compromise candidate” that can “reach across the aisle,” (ie shift right wards) and win support from the mystical “moderate” at this point?

  • I’m not USAyan, but Trump withdrawn troops and said he’d get USA out of NATO. If he delivered, he’d be the most significant political figure for a fight against neocolonialism. I don’t exactly know the life within US for US people, but Trump is a significantly good choice for world politics from my perspective. Biden increased poverty death rate in Europe by approving destroying the gas line (I assume he partook based on his public statements) and general poverty suffering. He continues supporting the apartheid and genocide of Palestinians. I find people who wish to vote for him extremely evil, but if your life under Trump was indeed this bad then I can somewhat understand why you don’t care about the blight your politicians bring to the rest of the world.

      8 months ago

      IF he delivered on getting the USA out of NATO

      IF he didn’t bomb Syria and get the approval of the Democrats.

      IF he didn’t “solve” the conflict in occupied Palatine by not inviting Palestinian representatives.

      Trump also brought sanctions back to Cuba and Iran after Obama removed them.

      Both Democrats and Republicans are terrible. If one votes it is for the lesser evil. There is no choice that doesn’t kill innocent civilians around the world. There is no choice to end the various sanctions. Any good done by one president can be undone by another.

      Voting is not a method towards justice, only a compromise.

      • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
        8 months ago

        But again, at this point I find it impossible to judge who is the lesser evil. I think it’s a distinction without a difference. If I go by body count, Trump is the lesser of two evils because Biden has murdered so many people over his career.

          8 months ago

          I mean, we shouldn’t forget how botched the response to COVID was in the USA. Not sure if it would’ve been handled any different had it been Clinton, I could try to force an argument that people cared more about COVID prevention when opposing Trump than under Biden, but keeping hypotheticals aside the numbers are grim for Trump’s presidency too.

          • Biden has also botched the pandemic by pretending it’s over. So many people are getting sick and having their quality of life wrecked by this policy. At least under Trump normal people were masking up and taking precautions.

            Trump did horribly at the pandemic, but I think Biden did worse.

      8 months ago

      Trumps “anti-war” position was all a facade. He wanted to lower tensions with Russia as a fellow “white” socially reactionary state and instead focus on Venezuela, Iran and China. Plus he was just a wild card opportunist. One day he was pretending to be besties with the DPRK, the next people are worried he’ll start a nuclear war with them. Even with Russia he flip-flopped. At one point he talked about wanting to get “the ruskies” out of Venezuela.

      The difference in foreign policy is chaotic evil vs “lawful” evil. Trump does whatever the hell and has different priorities. Biden tries to appear respectable as he escalates with everyone.

      8 months ago

      if by world you mean europe, trump has his sights on latin america, biden not so much.

      it is interesting that even inside the brics, the members are divergent, lula is supporting biden and putin is supporting russia. as a latam boy, I’m biden all the way, not because i believe biden to be a good progressive or smth, more like to keep us out of latam for now

    8 months ago

    Biden has better aesthetics. No anti-intellectualism, focus on respectability, posturing as progressive etc… in a world where I would buy into US propaganda I’d be inspired by the image that the Dems want to give and I’d be scared and revolted by the image that the Reps have.

    But that’s all just aesthetics. Libs who urge you to vote Biden are just not seeing beyond PR

    • usa_suxxx [they/them]
      8 months ago

      They are really bad on COVID. In particular, they reduce masks to a personal choice that is ineffective at stopping the COVID pandemic and seem to believe that universal vaccination will stop the pandemic. The vaccine is great, it reduces deaths dramatically but it does not stop transmission. I understand masking is incredibly unpopular but they could have simply just not mentioned it.

      8 months ago

      I’ve read that PSL has CIA contacts and are allegedly controlled opposition, but I can’t testify to the veracity of that.

            8 months ago

            Counter-point, if it was a genuine vanguard party, they’d absolutely sew these lies about it. In fact I doubt there’s a party out there that doesn’t have someone claiming they’re feds/CIA on substack.

            I’m not going to read all of that. If you make these really inflammatory, wrecker claims, you can provide some context.

            Question. Are any of the top members of PSL alleged in this (with any kind of proof) to be current/former CIA/FBI or directly compromised or is it all just “these anti-war/anti-imperialist people are associating with and working with former CIA” which is a meaningless charge as the job of anti-imperialist means having strange bedfellows. Which is what I saw trying to briefly skim it in 90 seconds.

            I don’t give a fuck that ANSWER works with war criminals or CIA or anti-communists or uses them as expert witnesses as the job of a broad coalition like that is to sway liberal normie people. Fact: former intelligence agents and other ghouls are often incredibly narcissistic and take slights like government going with the other guy’s plan extremely personally to the point of embarking on campaigns of shitting on them and not caring who they’re with. This is not a sign of compromise, it is a sign of dedication to the mission and not being an ultra loser whose purity testing wrecks any chance of material positive outcomes.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Him proposing to end asylum for migrants is objectively worse than anything Trump did on the border.

    He keeps saying there are no conditions on support for Isreal. No lib has been able to explain to me what is way worse than “unlimited unconditional funding”

    We are currently drilling more oil than any nation in history anywhere ever.

    It’s literally just lip service and then when a reporter literally asks “are you planning on doing anything other than having conversations” the press secretary gets pissed

      8 months ago

      No lib has been able to explain to me what is way worse than “unlimited unconditional funding”

      Direct involvement perhaps?

    8 months ago

    The only thing I can say is that the republican party might have a slightly harder time at pushing Project 2025 if Biden gets reelected. But the agendas and policies will be the same, and republicans will still control most local governments. And the fact that democrats are roughly equal to republicans in their evilness.

    • RustyVenture [he/him]
      8 months ago

      My “progressive” governor with Dem supermajorities in the state legislature sounds indistinguishable from a Republican when talking about the migrant “crisis” that’s apparently straining every resource in our deep blue state (though in fairness, they’ve managed to keep the mask hanging on by a thread and haven’t compared anyone to animals publicly).

      Listening to them pout about the horrid immigration bill not passing doesn’t inspire much confidence that we’d be following another track if there were a different ghoul in the White House. Maybe more performative brow-furrowing to Trump’s uncivil tone and gestures, but in the end they’ll gladly accept more money for more boots on more necks.

  • D61 [any]
    8 months ago

    Politics at the national level in the USA is pretty much just aesthetics.

    Local politics might be a bit better but the higher up you go the only real differences seem to be how soon the candidate’s masks slip.

  • quarrk [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Biden wants to destroy Russia before going to war with China

    Trump only wants to improve relations with Russia in order to go to war with China now

    Both seem to be interested in going to war with Iran in the next 5 years.

    8 months ago

    I hope Trump wins if only because I want to see the liberals suffering and seething. It’s hardly adequate karma for the genocide of the Palestinian people but it’ll be something and maybe just maybe to someone somewhere it will send the message that supporting an open genocide even in the genocidal settler west is a bit too far. It also wrenches the system back and forth which is good. Forces all those Europeans who’ve been sobbing about NATO and democracy and liberal values and how evil Putler is to either embrace Trump and look like even worse hypocrites or to distance themselves. It won’t be enough to destroy NATO naturally but any tension that can be added is good. Trump doesn’t wear the mask of respectability Biden does to the world and that’s something too which makes me feel it’s slightly more positive if he’s president in the long game-plan. Liberals won’t be in the streets under 4 more years of Biden, they might be under Trump.

    Of course nothing much will change either way. There is no lesser evil, only funny evil pedophile war criminal and not funny evil pedophile war criminal who is hidden by his staff and who make all the decisions for him and give him a veneer of respectability. If you’re a Marxist you shouldn’t vote for either of them. Vote for a communist on your ballot or do a write-in or don’t vote at all for a presidential candidate. Amazingly you can just go and vote on local and state ballot initiatives while not putting anything down on the presidential race.

      8 months ago

      to either embrace Trump and look like even worse hypocrites or to distance themselves

      Or they could do what they did the last time trump was in office - pretend to distance themselves, while running backroom deals and agreements, further colonising Europe to US capital

        8 months ago

        Well that was happening anyways. The Ukraine situation has assured Europe’s hollowing out and subjugation to the US and they did that all to themselves willingly in the open while proclaiming loudly it had to be done for democracy and liberalism and all that. I frankly don’t see that trend reversing no matter who is president, just that they might have to seem estranged for a while it might encourage a few more politicians on the edges to grow a stronger backbone as Hungry has demonstrated.