• theotherverion@lemmynsfw.com
    9 个月前

    Many right-wing people argue that humans can adapt easily. So I would love to see them adapting to the fact their family members are dying at the age of 30 because we have a hole in the ozone layer and everyone has cancer.

    So economic growth is definitely important, however, health is more important. I have to say I agree with you that fighting the climate issue is our biggest fight because otherwise, we will die. I also agree with you that we have to focus on it a lot.

    Regarding motosport: I am a big fan of it, however, emissions must be met. Hence why I really welcome formula’s approach: https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/article.net-zero-carbon-how-formula-1-is-going-to-meet-this-ambitious-target-by-2030.5QsK9NpYbz7pXp7423I3iJ.html Then, electric vehicles are very nice for cities because gas-powered cars produce the most CO2 in traffic. However, for certain conditions, they are just not as good as gas-powered cars, so I fully understand that I cannot force people to use only electric cars. Having said that, I am a big fan of what Porsche is doing with their synthetic fuels. But this is another debate…

    What I do not like about Greta, though, is her hypocrisy and her double-standards. For example, she complains about airplanes, then uses a super expensive yacht to travel across the oceans. Then she complains about West’s “oppressive and racist capitalist system” but never organises protests in the Middle east where most of countries burn diesel to generate electricity and stays silent about the fact that people usually have no rights there. Furthermore, she complains that the generations before ruined the planet but happily uses a smartphone and social media, which are, by the way, the inventions of usually western people she lobbies against the most. And last but not least, she never comes with any proper solution, she just complains.

    So to summarise, I fully agree with Greta that we have to act on the climate change but I very much dislike the way she is presenting the issue.