For the last two years, Koen has routinely self-administered weekly testosterone injections without a second thought.

During that time, the trans 17-year-old said his self-image and school and family life has drastically improved. His fear of needles, too, has faded.

“[Transitioning] made me look forward to things more because now I can start paying attention to the better version of myself,” said Koen, who asked to be identified by his first name because of fears for his safety. “It’s something I feel like I’ve needed for a while. I’m able to express myself more fluidly and feel comfortable doing that, which I think is a very big step for me right now.”

At the start of the year, though, a greater worry emerged.

A new law banning gender-affirming care for minors in Louisiana took effect on Jan. 1 prohibiting puberty blockers, hormone treatment, and gender-reaffirming surgery. Now, Koen isn’t sure he could continue his hormone treatment.

Louisiana is one of 22 other states that have enacted laws restricting or banning gender-affirming medical care for minors, disrupting health care needs for trans and nonbinary people.

    9 months ago

    I wasn’t talking about what trans boys want at all.

    I was talking about myself wanting to be taller. Most guys do because tall guys are treated better. Also being bigger than people tends to make you better at sport.

    I love how you can just make claims like that, must be a great power. Never mind all these government agencies with loads of data and doctors and experts on hand. No Traister has spoken!

    Anything that make changes to you can be harmful. You’re telling me if a boy has no testosterone from 12 to 18 then decides it was a mistake 6 years of no testosterone will have no effect on him mentally or physically? If it doesn’t why would anyone want to take it.

    Edited: changed from girl taking test to guy not having test.

      9 months ago

      Testosterone is not horome blockers. From what I recall the conservative (medical) recommendation is to postpone horome therapy until 16 since that’s when the law determines them able minded enough for the rest of the medical decisions. As for regret yes, some people do regret transitioning but all the studies that have been done (that aren’t using faulty methodology like counting girls playing with action figures when young children as being trans) have shown that the regret rate is lower than fuckn knee surgery. That’s pretty goddamn low. And guess what? Most people who regret transitioning regret it because transphobes make their life hell. Plus the majority only de-transition temporarily, typically because they are unable to pay for their hormone therapy. However they generally are still transitioned socially IE they have different pronouns and dress differently so in reality there’s very few de-transitioners. Many of the ones you see on Fox News still refer to themselves as trans even. It’s pretty sad how easy it is to be a grifter.

        9 months ago

        Testosterone is not horome blockers.

        I edited my comment for better accuracy.

        Looks like you got different studies to many countries in Europe. They are seeing something you are missing.

          9 months ago

          Okay sure so with your updated comment not going through puberty will have some mental and physical effects. That’s obvious though since well, so does puberty, that’s the point of it happening. Not going through puberty will obviously mean you won’t experience the results of puberty.

          What hormone blockers do is allow people to postpone puberty which is exactly what people like you should want trans kids to do. They get to decide what they want when they are older not have an irreversible puberty forced upon them. I’m not of the mind that we need to force trans kids to wait until they are an adult but that’s the obvious argument you should be making, not prevention. Trans kids will exist even if you remove access to horome blockers you just make their lives worse for no reason.