Just a dufus who #streams live on #Twitch!

I’m a #SoftwareEngineer by trade, specifically #WebDev working mainly in #Typescript and #Angular, but that’s just my day job.

I also dabble in a bit of #DoomModding, specifically for the mod #HideousDestructor. I also play a fair bit of #Warframe, #Minecraft, and plenty others! I’ve collected #MagicTheGathering cards my whole life, and mainly play casual #EDH.

#Tech #Gaming #Modding #Streaming #SmallStreamer #BLM #TransRights #Ally #fedi22

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2022


  • @penquin oh! Well in that case I used to be a 1080p 60Hz monitor kinda guy, and about a year ago I had to upgrade to dual 1440p 165Hz monitors.

    While I can definitely feel the difference, 60 FPS is barely noticeable, and even 30 FPS is acceptable.

    I grew up with slower machines so sub-30 was fairly normal, even older consoles targeted 30 and faltered below that, so at this point I’ll take anything above what’s acceptable for film

  • @[email protected] I’ve played on both, and I can agree with M&K being more intuitive, but I don’t mind the twin stick controls they have on the Steam Deck. Probably helps that I grew up on M&K shooters and first person games, so it comes a bit more natural to me.

    Glad to see the gameplay itself is working for you! It’s the systems that you engage with during your downtime that can get a bit dense, so if it ever gets to be too much just go run some more defense or survival missions, let your brain zone out for a bit while you clear rooms, then come back later

  • @[email protected] of you decide to give it a shot, don’t rush it, let the game’s systems digest at your own pace. It’s a huge game with over a decade of feature/scope creep. The main questline & story is wonderful (if you know nothing about the game, the second dream is/was a HUGE spoiler that many people still respect, myself included), the gunplay and visual fidelity are fantastic, and the game runs perfectly fine on the Steam Deck!

    It’s a fantastic game to pick up, run a few missions, craft a few things, put down for the night and pick back up tomorrow. It’s also a very dense and at times grindy game. I’ve been playing it on and off since it released on steam, and even I’ve felt burnt out on it after a while.