So, I fired up Warframe.
- runs EXTREMELY good on Linux (and in 3440x1440 resolution too)
- I need to lower the controller aim sensitivity or something, because…ugh
- Not sure about playing with the controller, seems like more a M+K game to me, but maybe some combos (i.e. bullet jump) could be harsh, I’m not a piano player
Will go back at it in the next days, I’m digging the gameplay (so far)
#Warframe #Gaming #Videogames #LinuxGaming
@[email protected] I’ve played on both, and I can agree with M&K being more intuitive, but I don’t mind the twin stick controls they have on the Steam Deck. Probably helps that I grew up on M&K shooters and first person games, so it comes a bit more natural to me.
Glad to see the gameplay itself is working for you! It’s the systems that you engage with during your downtime that can get a bit dense, so if it ever gets to be too much just go run some more defense or survival missions, let your brain zone out for a bit while you clear rooms, then come back later