Possibly, but actually seems like it might be easier to sharpen in situ and especially if it was forged into the design instead of screwed in. Maybe it’s just a tinkeres’ mod aka a prototype rather than a final design.
Possibly, but actually seems like it might be easier to sharpen in situ and especially if it was forged into the design instead of screwed in. Maybe it’s just a tinkeres’ mod aka a prototype rather than a final design.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all
What’s the point of the rotation adjustment on the knife? Adds complexity and cleaning challenge for seemingly little gain. Might be good for one hander I suppose, but unless knife is really sharp you generally benefit from stabilizing what you are cutting with a fork (for two handers at least.)
It’s not though. No shortage of that in US. Are you worried about a supply issue? Without organization it just more hate filled idiots with guns. That’s been a big part of the problem. You are become them.
No truck nuts? Seems unpatriotic.
The dems can turn them off
Yldrawkwa stis god ym!?
Good therapy should hand you the bottle and tell you not to dump it on all at once but to start dripping it on and check in for refills with the refill being a bit larger each time.
When has it been done at the level of individual citizens taking up arms in an unorganized fashion?
No u. I remember when Lemmy wasn’t just a bunch of assholes. You wear your intellect on your sleeve sir, and the shirt is a wife-beater.
The stats are real though. As ownership goes up, more of these events happen since people make these mistakes at a predictable rate. What might be safe for you doesn’t necessarily scale to the masses. Hence, some caution is recommended when making recommendations for the masses.
I understand the situation. An arms race is a losing option. You do you - choose violence. Not for me. It’s always an ugly option, and rarely the winningest strategy on this sort of guerrilla level.
Gross. You are become them. Classic American - apply a bit of stress and you cry Guns!
Started out thinking this was a motivational metaphor, but then it kind of looked like your answer for the woes of the world is personal fitness? Do you, like own a gym or something?
For the absolute worst. The votes were not rigged.
That’s a very modern interpretation of the second amendment popularized by conservatives. What it means ‘literally’ is hotly debated but only relatively recently did conservative pundents push this definition away from the arguably more ‘literal’ concept of organized state militias. If you think an arms race between liberal activists and right wing racist hillbillies (ie. Most of America) is going to end with the armed liberals winning, you need to check out the gun cabinets and gun sheds of the conservative homes in my town. Every time I see a ridiculous call to arms post like this on Lemmy I put some money aside to donate to one of my favorite gun control charities.
Joke’s on this guy, US is first at all of those!
Pretty much true in the US too - especially a Raptor.
Well at least the article validated some of my feelings and gave me a sense identification of the problems I have been sensing around me with the flaccid liberal rebellion.
Hey wait a sec! Dammit!
Most concrete action I can think of is some posts I remember seeing about coat-hanger do it yourself frontal lobotomies. I’ve seen plenty of very low IQ Americans with economic status as bad or worse than mine somehow perfectly happy with all the fascist shit that is going down. This seems like an opportunity to join in their bliss.
If there’s anything I miss about reddit it’s that if you were looking for a place to post something like this you could just go to r/eggs or r/eggprices and it would typically work