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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • What’s unhinged about having enough of a terrorist group shooting rockets at civilians, brutally murdering, raping and kidnapping civilians from their homes?

    May you never see that happen in your country, to your family and friends, and have other people on the other side of the world get on their high horse and claim disproportionate response. What is the proportionate response? Go decapitate some babies in Gaza? Rape and butcher kids in front of their parents?

    These numbers you’re hearing are from the same people who claimed a rocket that hit a hospital was shot by Israel killing 500, which turned out to be shot by Hamas and killed 50. They are known for blowing up their own people as well as the numbers. They have the whole Pallywood industry of terror behind it.

    That being said, Never Again means Never Again.

  • Daesh and Hamas have the same agenda - killing everyone different than them. Decapitation, rape and indiscriminately murdering innocent families in their homes. Add to that the Muslim factor and you have your similarity. Both ISIS and Hamas are much more ghan “vaguely Muslim”. Calling me a racist doesn’t change those facts.

    The solution is eradicating Hamas like ISIS was (mostly) eradicated. Did you cry racism when war was being waged against ISIS?

    Get off your high horse

  • Why the /s ?

    It’s war. War has unfortunate and unavoidable casualties. Israel didn’t choose this war and has done everything it can to avoid it. Including pulling out unilaterally from the entire Gaza Strip in 2005.

    The Palestinians were left to govern themselves and elected Hamas. Hamas has received hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from all over the world, including Israel. Israel supplied water, electricity, gas, fuel and work permits in Israel. Yet, instead of Hamas choosing to build civilian infrastructure and help the Palestinians, the leaders embezzled millions and the cose to build rockets and terrorism infrastructure and pay terrorist salaries.

    Israel stood by and watched the world turn a blind eye, again and again, to rockets being fired i to civilian populations. Name one country that would allow that to happen to them and wouldn’t retaliate. We’re done with the so-called “proportionate responses”. What is the proportionate response to decapitated babies? To butchered toddlers? To kidnap and rape, and abduction of the elderly? There is no peace to be made with an organization that lives up to it’s charter claiming its intentions to kill you. Israel and the Jewish people swore that the holocaust would never happen again.

    Never again means never again.

    Hamas is ISIS and needs to be eradicated.

  • Your core premise is wrong since there is nothing to “give back” to Palestinians. There were no Palestinians back then. The so-called disputed territories in the West Bank were, if anything, Jordanian. The Gaza strip was Egypt, and even they don’t want it. In the Egypt-Israel peace agreement, Egypt wanted Sinai back but did not want the Gaza Strip.

    Do you honestly believe that if Israel gives up its military, there will be peace?! Every time Israel says peace-for-peace or even land-for-peace, it quite literally blows up in our face. There is no compromising with an organization whose main goal is to kill you. It’s in their charter, and they have more than proved their intentions over the years, and most recently, just now to start this war.

    We Jews have learned our lesson after hundreds of years of being persecuted to not trust other people to protect us. We all know how that turned out in the holocaust. Hamad are the Nazis. Hamas is ISIS. Never again means never again.