Wow, this is such a cool looking bird
Those red eyes especially
Wow, this is such a cool looking bird
Those red eyes especially
Some games (modded ones) are such a pain to get to work the same way that you don’t want to delete them
Text code is overwhelming
Text is overwhelming (for me)
I like spaced out, low density information. I can process it better.
Exactly what I thought too
Oh ok
Nice shot btw ! (Somehow I forgot to mention it before 😅)
Les résultats sont à l’ouest
How did you achieve such depth of field this close ? Focus stacking ? Or just long expo and you shielded the flower from the wind ?
Don’t play ranked then
Play casual
Is that IR or edited ? Love the shot !
+10 pont turulfendérnek !
OpenBSD is the easiest BSD to install and most things work right outside the box
This is pure excellence