Looks like he wanted to wear this but couldn’t find it
He wanted to wear this:
It’s coming
It’s still at ze tailor
He is and always will be a goofy edgelord, no matter how much money he has
Balding goofy edgelord.
I do not mean that as an insult to our follicularly challenged brothers and sisters. I merely wish to have him reminded we know he paid for that hair, purely because his fragile little ego cracks every time he sees that old picture of himself in the public domain.
And I am totally here for that.
I merely wish to have him reminded we know he paid for that hair
Whoa. Talk like that may get you sent to Gitmo. Anyway, which picture are you talking about? Asking for the guy down the road.
I just saw this on Bluesky… It’s funny and sad at the same time!
Death Maul was cool, I get more Wormtounge vibes from Musk.
For a second I thought was a photoshop with musk’s face on Wormtounge’s body. Nope! They just look eerily similar.
At least Wormtongue in the movie killed Sauroman. Leading to the famous discussion between Christopher Lee and Peter Jackson about what a man sounds like when you stab him in the back.
For those not in the know Christopher Lee stabbed Nazis in the back, because of this, he knew what it sounds like when your lungs are punctured
We’re literally living in a movie plot right now… “Evil billionaire attempts to overthrow a government and use it for global domination.”
If this were a movie the bad guys would be obvious to everyone, but since we have the scum of the earth: propagandists, it’s harder for a not insignificant portion of the country to realize it…
Yes I hate Trump and Musk, but even more I fucking loath the fox news primetime peanut gallery and the like, the Hannity’s, Ingram’s, Carlson’s, etc… I wish nothing but the most excruciatingly painful slow deaths on them for what they’ve done to the population.
I think the bigger problem than cable news is social media. Billionaires get to decide the lense through which everybody sees the world. And social media makes that lense appear clear and unobstructed, but it’s very much distorted to benefit the people in power.
Even in the movies the bad guys have minions. They don’t know their boss is that evil. Here in real life, I’m pretty sure they know and are actively promoting it.
Don’t you dare bring Kevin into this!
Speaking of, I’ve literally never seen him with one of his children until Luigi and then I saw a photo from this same event:
He is quite literally using that child as a human shield isn’t he?
Oh yeah absolutely, like literally the next day he started doing it.
No, he’s got their blood exchanging through a hidden pump so he can stay young.
Is that the one where his son told Trump to shut up?
Whomever told me to watch …
DARK GOTHIC MAGA: How Tech Billionaires Plan to Destroy America
… yeah this is disturbing and depressing.
Got a tldr? Or watch in this case
Editing this: thenerdreich.com is recommended by video narrator and seems to have articles in this vein
Given the importance of the content, I’d recommend watching the full video
I unfortunately prefer reading to videos for intaking information
That’s OK 🙂 I know there are AI services out their that can transcribe YouTube videos into text. Maybe that could be a useful tool for everyday needs?
This is so much worse than I ever could’ve imagined it would be
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk was blackmailing him, he could release Trump’s twitter dms at any time
Donald is beyond blackmail. He’s already done heinous enough stuff that he should have been done for, but instead he’s president.
Jafar had way more rizz
His beard was so… twisted
Don’t you dare drag down Jafar like that!
I would have voted for the parrot, if only to hear him quote Fifty Shades of Grey.
They both just look so gross…and old.
Nothing wrong with looking old - if you are old.
He spent $250M on Drump campain because he knew he would make it back 10 folds in government subsidies, tax cuts, rules and regulations. How do you think his net wealth reached $436 Billions?
What’s with the jacket thing he has been wearing for the last while? Trying to create a specific look like a certain famous German did back in the day?
Musk looks like a Ted Nugget concert roadie….
No, fElon bought the presidency fair and square…
Muricans, you do not want unelected idiots buying your government? don’t put it up for sale
Is that trump’s signature on his cap?
You clearly don’t read your Bible. May I direct you to Revelation 13, verse 16?
deleted by creator
This photo has a lot of
You don’t talk to my son about his accused crime. Son, shut up. Let me do the talking.
Yeah, Elon Musk should take the middle seat so Donald Trump could tower over him