As someone who eats a lot of green onion, can you tell me a bit about your set up?
It looks like a water cooler bottle you’ve cut openings at regular intervals, filled the bottom with dirt, then I’m guessing you’ve put the butts of scallions in the dirt in a ring close to the outside so the plants grow out the openings as they reach for sunlight. I’m interested in making something similar, so I’m curious if I’m missing anything. I can’t really tell what’s going on at the top (former bottom) of the water cooler and I’m not sure what the rope is for besides carrying it.
Youve got it right pretty much. The top part is an old milk jug ive cut the bottom off, and poked a small hole in the cap. This is because i noticed that when watering directly on the soil, the high water flow would dislodge a lot of the dirt and it woud fall out of the holes. By filling up the jug and letting it drip slowly through the hole in the cap that doesnt happen. Also yea the rope was for carrying. I wouldnt hang it from there in case it ripped (it actually ripped while i was moving it one day but thankfully it wasnt that high)
As someone who eats a lot of green onion, can you tell me a bit about your set up?
It looks like a water cooler bottle you’ve cut openings at regular intervals, filled the bottom with dirt, then I’m guessing you’ve put the butts of scallions in the dirt in a ring close to the outside so the plants grow out the openings as they reach for sunlight. I’m interested in making something similar, so I’m curious if I’m missing anything. I can’t really tell what’s going on at the top (former bottom) of the water cooler and I’m not sure what the rope is for besides carrying it.
Youve got it right pretty much. The top part is an old milk jug ive cut the bottom off, and poked a small hole in the cap. This is because i noticed that when watering directly on the soil, the high water flow would dislodge a lot of the dirt and it woud fall out of the holes. By filling up the jug and letting it drip slowly through the hole in the cap that doesnt happen. Also yea the rope was for carrying. I wouldnt hang it from there in case it ripped (it actually ripped while i was moving it one day but thankfully it wasnt that high)