People on bikes may be rude and may not follow the rules, but can’t be aggressive.
When a man with a .45 meets a man with a rifle, the man with a pistol will be a dead man.
Original stripe from the Onion:
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Really high Poe factor. I can’t tell if the cartoonist is posting this ironically or not.
I’ve heard enough people regard bicyclists as a menace (and feeling ashamed in the cases when I’m quiet about being a bicyclist) that this really is how we’re seen.
ETA the source explains a lot. Not knowing where it came from, though, seriously high Poe.
It’s a parody news site
IMO. Bicyclists have liberal disregard for traffic laws here. But so do the following groups: pedestrians, motorcyclist, big rigs, cars.
Ben Garrison uses this style unironically, so at a glance it’s hard to tell.
The point is, most aren’t. But the handful of assholes are the ones that stay in the mind. Just like with car drivers.