I found them on one vine of the Ivy plant that I bought from Ikea about a month ago. It was kept about 2m away from my other plants, so I’m hoping that the little guys haven’t had the chance to hop over.
I’ve also liberally cut off the visibly affected branch and sprayed off the Ivy in the shower, followed by a generous misting with soapy water. The plant will stay quarantined in my kitchen for the next few weeks, hope it recovers :<
My other plants seem fine so far, at least I couldn’t find any critters on their leaves when I checked tonight.
Looks like Aphids to me
oh, I think you’re right! The reference pictures I looked at only showed green Aphids, but I guess they come in brown as well :o Thanks for the tip!
I agree with the other person that said aphids. Spider mites are itty bitty and you are more likely to notice them because of the webbing vs the actual bugs.
Those look like aphids to me. They’re having a feast right now.
If there’s one single plant affected, all others will be too soon.
Spray and drench everything in neem oil or pyrethrum, including the soil.
And maybe consider taking a look at LECA and [email protected]. Pest management is way easier in hydro than in soil.
Yup, thanks for the tip! I’ll have to look up whether neem oil and pyrethrum are safe for reptiles, because my snake does roam the plant shelves sometimes 🥹
Most of my plants already are in Leca, I’ll make sure to flush them all properly in case any bugs have made it to them.
Could be spider mites, I didn’t notice any webbing that is typically present. Regardless, Ikea has terrible plans imo…always full of bugs.
You might also want to do a full soil change because the eggs could be hiding in the soil and the issue will resurface again and again
Sprinkle some diatomaceous earth on the surface soil, and if they do emerge they’ll be ripped to shreds.
To shreds you say…
Yup, I was planning on getting that plant into Leca anyways, might as well do it now haha