To ask the most obvious question first: Does the girl know you? Is she aware that you exist?
Oof. Hadn’t considered the possibility that OP might be a stalker.
thanks, captain obvious
I thought you were being an ass, at first. Sometimes I’m a little slow.
I was reading along, with the thought in the back of my mind that “On the Street Where You Live” was written to be a whole love song that never uses the word love. Now of course you have me thinking, it’s kinda stalkery.
Are you actively in a relationship with her? If not, then don’t. Love and infatuation (which I honestly don’t mean any negative connotation by) aren’t the same thing, and telling someone who you’re not dating that you love them is almost always going to be unwelcome.
“I’m in lesbians with you” is the obvious one
I told my partner “I love you” when we started dating and they responded with “that’s gay”. We’re both gay.
Man, you’re gay
funny, but also, did they try to avoid the topic or saying it back with a humorous distraction?
Well, they weren’t lying.
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Tell her more words than those three. The three are important but also overused. Tell her what you feel when you’re together. Or what she does that is special to you. Or character traits you find amazing and why.
Show her that you actually see her.
Here’s a dress with pockets
You are a mad genius. Every pickup artist on the planet just became obsolete. :-D
Wherever she asks you for something, just reply with “As you wish”.
Also, be incredibly handsome.
Show her first and let her figure it out by your actions
Nice answer!
You don’t. Part of love is openness, you can’t love a person while not being willing to share the fact that you love them. Pretty much by definition
“i hate you” (its what women say to me, they actually mean ‘i love you’ (rizz))
Just being there when she needs it, spending quality time together, not offending or hurting her, things like that…
Sounds easy but really not.
That can be a good way to remain in the friend zone too. Gotta drop some hints and hope she reacts to them positively.
Dude be positive, the result of our actions cannot be controlled. Be a good guy no matter what.
- find girl who is mutually attracted to you. Proceed to step 2.
- date and stuff. Listen. Collaborate. Trust. Bask in the glory that is romance.
- identify and implement love languages.
- by now you damn well better have figured out what she likes and doesn’t and with this knowledge you have your answer.
And chocolate. Also, she should be doing these steps in parallel with you, equally. You also deserve to be shown love without saying it. If she doesn’t, dump her and return to step 1.
Source: lesbians
Before I was brave enough to say I love you to my husband my go to phrase was “you’re my favorite person”
- find girl who is mutually attracted to you. Proceed to step 2.
- date and stuff. Listen. Collaborate. Trust. Bask in the glory that is romance.
- identify and implement love languages.
- by now you damn well better have figured out what she likes and doesn’t and with this knowledge you have your answer.
And chocolate. Also, she should be doing these steps in parallel with you, equally. You also deserve to be shown love without saying it. If she doesn’t, dump her and return to step 1.
Source: lesbians
Tell your wingman to tell her that you love her.
“In the data of my heart, you’re the irreplaceable code.”
I’m assuming that you’re a coder by trade.