Young Americans are piling the blame for their student debt balances on conservatives, according to a poll by Generation Lab provided exclusively to Axios.

    1 year ago

    What a dumb take. Our labor force demands specialization and training through upper education. From early age all kids are being told to go to college. Every other country helps build a skilled labor force, but in the US it’s a luxury reserved for those who can afford it. This is something we all benefit from (doctors, architects, nurses). Yet here you are, pushing down on those who seek out this path.

    • SapphireFox<
      1 year ago

      Nah. I simply don’t care for paying for other’s college. These people who want me to pay their bills are not the cream of the crop. They’re not doctors, lawyers, or any specialized skilled labor.

      Nobody is entitled to money. You make a deal and money is exchanged. It’s that simple. In this case someone who borrowed more than they could pay back now wants others who never even went to college to work off their debts.

      It’s not fair to those without skin in the game.

      There’s no shortage of ppl who graduate college. Maybe the art degree, or lesbian dance theory wasn’t a good financial decision.

        1 year ago

        That’s a very naive outlook and I see you drank the Kool aid. Every day, you yourself benefit from things you did not pay for. Youll screech “sure I do! Muh taxes” but that is so far from the truth. The moment you said “lesbian dance theory” it’s clear your opinion was formed for you by others and you’re not really basing this on much personal evaluation.

        • SapphireFox<
          1 year ago

          Yeah I drank the Kool aid alright. I did not go to College. I worked working class jobs all my life. Saved my money, paid off all my loans, and now am shopping for 10 acres of Oklahoma land for a homestead where I’ll start farming part time while holding down a full time job. I’ll sell sheep wool.

          I’m not some whiny bitch who wants the government to be a welfare fairy because they can’t pay back a loan. I’ve bought cars. I’ve paid off long term investments pal.

          The fruit of my labor came from calloused hands and work.

          Did you know that term drinking the Kool aid came from the Jim Jones socialist cult right? LoL you can’t make this stuff up.

            1 year ago

            You drank the Kool aid because you still firmly believe you don’t stand on the shoulders of those who came before you and developed everything you use on a daily basis: the roads you drive on, the food you eat, etc. Unless you built your own internet and grew everything you eat, you’re just one of us and your opinion of rugged individualism go get it was formed for you by others as much as you pretend to take license for all your great achievements. You have no original thoughts.

            Also, I don’t care for socialism, Im a capitalist. The expression is just that, an expression. Fucks sake Have an original thought besides “socialism bad amirite”.

            • SapphireFox<
              1 year ago

              You think my beverage of choice is Kool Aid because you equate my rugged individualism and hatred of being forced to pay for shit I personally don’t use for not endorsing collectivism for things I do actually use and am entitled to.

              I will never go to school. Can’t afford it. Don’t have the brain power. It’s just a waste of my hard earned money.

              I’m entitled to use the roads because the state takes taxes out of my check to maintain them. I voluntarily pay lottery tickets that also go towards roads and education. None of that would mean anything if I didn’t pay for gas, insurance, tags, through work.

              You see… All that infrastructure means jack all if I’m some derelict on welfare not using it. If I just smoked weed all day, gamed, and feasted on snacks all that collectivist infrastructure doesn’t benefit me at all.

              It’s only because of my rugged individualism and work ethic that I get to use what’s there. The fridge cannot keep my koolaid under the room temperature if I cannot pay the electric. The electric can’t be paid unless I work. Everything in life relies on my own self determination.

                1 year ago

                Didn’t I anticipate the “I pay my taxes argument” a few posts back? All the taxes you will ever pay will not account for a percentage of a fraction of the things you benefit from on a daily basis. You give yourself so much credit without realizing how much you enjoy the comforts of modern society: internet, cell phones, modern medicine. All these things were possible because someone went to get specialized learning. Not everyone has to go to university, but we all benefit when our society grows and develops new technologies. Go live in Somalia and make your own internet and antibiotics.

                • SapphireFox<
                  1 year ago

                  Once again you are wrong.

                  I don’t equate privately acquired loans through mutual agreement between two parties with public infrastructure paid for by collectivism.

                  I’m not taking credit for fixing the roads. If I got hired by a construction crew to pave the roads maybe I could? LoL

                  Absolute individualism and absolute collectivism cannot exist in their own separate worlds. Both are nessesary.

                  As for the college loans. People’s private education funded through private means is no consequence to me. I should not have to pay for it. Bottom line.

                    1 year ago

                    Now I see why we’re talking past each other.

                    For whatever reason you’re very tied up in the legal argument, which of course no one is disputing right now. I’m talking strictly about the moral argument for supporting higher education, not the current legal framework under which it operates in the united states. The legal framework is downstream from our ethics, and what I’m trying to get to you is that a modern society requires specialization that is not tied to remuneration. Teachers get paid shit in this country, but we still need children to be educated (even if you don’t have kids, you still benefit from kids going to school because they help build the things you use every day). For whatever reason you keep ignoring (I think we know why) that you benefit EVERY DAY from the improvements modern society gives you, and that benefit comes from an educated class which unfortunately in the US is funded through private loans.