• PugJesus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    What I am saying is that all of that is secondary to having American and European colonial nation strategically located in a conflict zone that has been a conflict zone for a long fucking time up to this point and will continue to be.

    “American and European colonial nation”


    That’s not even getting into the fact that a good 3/4s of the fucking region is already deep in our pockets. FFS. This “THE US NEEDS ISRAEL” is a convenient lie peddled by the Israeli government, which is desperate to keep its sugar daddy without having to do anything of consequence to earn its keep, conservatives who crave the death of more Muslims, and, bizarrely, certain online leftists who don’t seem to realize that most of MENA is already a US base, and Israel is, in terms of strategic value, a liability more than an asset.

    That’s my whole point. That at the end of the day, money or no money, America would still support Israel.


    Do you think there’s just some sort of sense of White Solidarity™ between the West and the Mizrahi-Sephardic Israeli majority and the Ashekenazi minority (which, as we all know, White Power types ADORE)?

    The inclusion of all that marketing makes it easier to justify. You could even say it changes the scale of that support. But with or without it, America is gonna do what America does. Back it’s interests.

    I’m sorry you think that the Iron Law of Institutions is just something I made up on the spot. I might recommend a Sociology 101 course.

    Are we arguing over semantics here? Or are you really saying the #1 driving force of American support of Israel is this lobby group and it’s surrounding antics? Or can we just admit that it’s a supporting role?

    Yes, the #1 driving force of American support of Israel is the domestic benefit that American politicians recieve from it. I don’t know why “All professions, but especially politicians, self-select for propagation of their own power and their continued status” is such a radical idea to you, but it’s mainstream in most academia.

    Look. All I am trying to do is lessen a lot of the borderline Jewish conspiracies I have seen show up lately. I just dislike people playing into “Jews control the world” shit. I dislike that rhetoric and I believe it to be harmful as fuck to the people who don’t know as much. I believe it confuses the motivations for the sake of being quippy and that blurry area that’s created is filled with all the anti semitic shit people were exposed to all their lives. You’re really going to sit and argue with me over all that? Go ahead. I made my point a few times over now. Take it away.

    Oh yeah, you bet I’m gonna sit here and argue with you about that. “Antisemitism” is not a fucking excuse for downplaying Israel’s behavior - which is exactly what you’re doing. Israel is not all Jews - all Jews are not Israelis. I’m sorry that this is where your draw your line as to what is too complex to parse, but I assure you, it’s true.