• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    This is simply the cost of having such easy access to firearms. They say the tree of liberty is watered by blood, but they don’t like to think about who pays that price. It’s not just those who “deserve it” and just need to “git gud” at not being poor or a minority. It’s the manly men who commit suicide with their own gun because they were taught to never share their feelings. It’s people from all walks of life who get killed by police forces more heavily armed than many militaries. It’s the people 2 houses over getting wallbanged by average caliber handguns.

    And of course, it’s the kids. The ones who get their parents gun because they learned the code to daddy’s safe. The ones killed by kids who were given a gun by their parents. The ones who were enjoying a standard childhood until a Remington or Colt snatched their future away. Those are the people who pay the price.

    If anything, the gun nuts should express public gratitude for this latest sacrifice. They should thank the innocent for sacrificing for the greater good. Those lives were totally worth being able to take down a tree with 50 BMG.