Factually, that’s what he did during his time in office as well. I’m not sure what they thought had changed.

  • 𝔼𝕩𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕒@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Trump is the kid who got good at PacMan. Then the arcade brought in MrsPacMan and no matter how high he scores and tries to get attention, the kid who scores well in Mrs PacMan is stealing his thunder because it’s harder. And he’s mad no one is paying attention to his New High Score because it’s irrelevant in the face of the new game. But he can’t get good enough at MrsPacMan, so he’s sulking on PacMan setting new scores and slowly filling the board while his friends try to give him the new Guide for how to score better or get farther in MrsPacMan. Trying to get him to take on the new kid. But he’s just broken from constantly being the loser every time he 2 players. He’s scared of it because it’s a new age where it’s not a solved game, the enemies react to you, and he’s not fast enough anymore to handle that and it scares him - no matter how much his friends try to get him to get good.

      • ryrybang@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        He’s has a mastery of gish galloping. There’s no way I could ever approach half of what he does.

        But that’s about the only thing I can think of that he’s good at. And it’s definitely something he’s good at due to severe character flaws and mental development issues, not exactly a learned skill or intentional thing he applies. But good nonetheless.

    • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Excuse me, but Trump would never play Pac Man. He can’t handle Kamala Harris alone. He’d be complaining about having to go up against 4 non-white opponents at once.

      And he’d certainly never play Ms. Pac Man. Sure, it’s one thing playing an unidentifiable yellow mass that runs around popping pills and doing the same thing over and over while trying to avoid all the non-white people in town, but there’s no chance in hell he’d play as a female.