Recently, there’s been some bad news out of Detroit. Ford’s backing off on some upcoming EV models, including a three-row SUV many had been looking forward to, and will instead be focusing more on hybrids. GM has been having different problems with software, recently laying off 1,000 developers after a string of Silicon Valley types failed to acclimate to more traditional corporate culture.

While these companies would like to have us all believe that making EVs and software for EVs is simply too hard, other companies like Tesla and Rivian have been doing a lot better. Tesla is now making more EVs than anybody, even beating out ICE models in some segments. Rivian is still climbing the profit ladder, but is selling software to Volkswagen, a pretty good sign that “legacy auto” is struggling in odd ways while newcomers are having no problem churning out EVs.

So, we need to ask ourselves why these established players are struggling while newcomers are doing just fine.

    2 months ago

    You’re the one talking about industry history. Tesla is admittedly shit in some areas, as you pointed out, but you have to at least give them credit where they deserve it.

    I can give the other automakers credit too: Ford is widely known as the company that invented the assembly line, and Toyota perfected it. They pioneered hybrid cars which is a crucial transition technology. GM has had a weird history with EVs, sometimes being at the forefront, and then infuriatingly taking a step back.

    As for being paid, well I do have a bit of stock in some of these companies, but my main investments are elsewhere.

    • Dr.
      2 months ago

      I give Tesla credit for what they did. Bilk state and federal governments out of billions of dollars with various schemes to build a car company that makes chintzy cars and sells them to over extended buyers for top dollar. That is the Tesla success story. They weren’t first, or best, but they were able to expand their production based on debt and fraud unlike other players in the space.