“The room was silent. It was like you could hear a needle drop as they spoke,” Naftali told The Post following Rachel Goldberg-Polin and Jon Polin’s speech at the DNC. “It was stunning.”

    • apub879@kbin.earth
      2 months ago

      I did read the elements that were publicly published, yes.

      • Release of hundreds of murderers out of prison without getting all the live hostages.
      • The war ends (without Hamas losing power).


      It doesn’t matter who organized the discussions, Hamas has no right to exist and it must be defeated.

      The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and returns all the hostages.

      • just_another_person@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Sooo, what you’re saying is, Palestine should fully resign and do whatever Israel wants, get nothing, and be okay with that, but Israel should get everything it wants, and keep encroaching on West Bank territory with zero resistance, AND the Palestinians should be okay with that?

        • apub879@kbin.earth
          2 months ago
          • Hamas must surrender.
          • The Palestinian terrorists should be disarmed.
          • All Israeli (Jews and Arabs) hostages in Gaza should be released immediately and unconditionally.

          That’s what I’m saying. I don’t agree with your interpretation of my position, I never said that.

          • just_another_person@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            But that’s not going to happen unless Israel gives something up and stops doing what they’re doing. You understand how this works, right?

            • apub879@kbin.earth
              2 months ago

              I refuse to accept your appeasement attitude. Israel sends its troops (Jews, Arabs, Druze) to the battlefield to fight a just war. Human life is put at risk to achieve the goals of the war.
              Just as the allies fought Nazi Germany and lost millions of troops and civilians.

              If there’s a hostage deal, it should serve the interests of Israel, not the interests of the terrorists of Hamas, PIJ, Fatah, PFLP etc.
              A deal which servers the interests of Hamas-ISIS means surrender. A permanent ceasefire where Hamas stays in power means surrender. Not getting all the live Israeli hostages means surrender. Israel withdrawing from strategic areas means surrender.

              The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms and returns all the hostages.

              • just_another_person@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Nah, man. That’s not how any of this works, as any war illustrates. This cycles keeps continuing with Israel and Palestine for a reason though, so let me illustrate the timeline:

                • Israel gets dropped into existing post-WWII
                • Allies all support Israel to get them up to speed and develop the land
                • Things are heavily medicated up until the 80’s after Iran is overtaken, and starts being an aggressor in the region
                • Allies post up with Israel
                • Israel becomes “untouchable” and starts doing fucked up shit like killing Palestinians and stealing their land
                • Palestine aligns with shady groups because they have no allies
                • Shady groups start a proxy war via other well-founded Islamic nations
                • US gets involved again
                • Israel steals more land and kills more people
                • Palestine fights back

                And then there is just a loop of the last few steps for decades. Israel thinks it deserves all the land and Palestinians should be eradicated. Palestinians have no allies or solid armed forces, so are relegated to fighting back via these same shady funders. Rinse and repeat.

                There’s no winning here for either side of Israel has a clear and fucked up goal, and Palestinians just want their land back and to exist. You can’t expect them to just roll over. Hell, some have even made the case with Israel’s Libya and Syria altercations. It’s schoolyard bullying mixed in with some crazy ass religious extremism on Israel’s behalf for sure, but even if Israel backs down and leaves Palestine alone, they’re now at the behest of other players who have infiltrated their governing body, so it won’t stop.

                Your take on it is just ill informed though. If you don’t understand the nature of the thing, you’re just blindly following one side’s politicking of the situation. In your case, that Israel is undisputably correct in what they are doing.

                • apub879@kbin.earth
                  2 months ago

                  It’s clear to me, based on what you’ve said, that you know very little about Israelis (Arabs and Jews), Jewish culture and history in the land of Israel (yes, before 1947, before 1918), Israeli politics (foreign and internal) and Middle East geopolitics.

                  How come you write with such confidence about something you barley know anythings about?

                  Israel gets dropped into existing post-WWII

                  5 Facts About the Jewish People’s Ancestral Connection to the Land of Israel

                  Things are heavily medicated up until the 80’s…

                  A typo? I don’t know what you were trying to say. Anyway, from '47 until '73 Israel fought several existential wars against conventional armies (and many terrorists of various groups, never stopped, always been happening). Maybe that was your point.

                  Palestine fights back

                  AKA Hamas’ massacres on October 7th / Hamas & PIJ suicide bombings against Israeli civilians / constant shooting attacks by Palestinians terrorists against Israeli civilians / Palestinians terrorists firing rockets targeting Israeli civilians.
                  Their goal was always the destruction of the Jewish state (see also: Amin al-Husseini, Fawzi al-Qawuqji).

                  You may stop propagating the false narrative of Israelis stealing Palestinian land just for the sake of being evil.
                  Sure, some privately owned farmland of some Arabs in Judea and Samaria was claimed by Israelis (mostly private citizens with no government permission). After going through the Israeli legal system, the court either orders for demolition of the illegal houses or (if the trial took too long, and people already moved in) it orders for monetary compensation for the rightful Arab owners of the land.
                  Ultimately, most of the land was not privately owned, it was barren land, all groups (Christians, Jews, Muslims, Druze) had enough room to expand their communities and build new ones.

                  You’re right about the Islamic Republic of Iran spreading chaos in the Middle East by arming and financing Jihadist proxies, primarily with the goal of the destruction of Israel (and the west is next).

                  You talk about Jewish extremism on Israel’s behalf, which somewhat exists, but you fail to acknowledge how prevalent Jihad is as an idea and practice. Islamism is antisemitic to its core.

                  They express it publicly all time:

                  Fathi Hammad (Hamas):

                  The first is the cleansing of Palestine of the filth of the Jews.

                  Hamas: Goal of world domination under an Islamic Caliphate:

                  (The Palestinian people) are preparing to establish the Caliphate.

                  Houthis’ slogan:

                  God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam.