• RaoulDook@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      No idea where you’re getting the idea I said it was fake news. It’s very politically slanted news, generated using specific stats to align with the narrative that they wanted to write a story about.

      Please, by all means stay out of the Southeast if you believe it’s so terrible. I’ll continue to stay here, and enjoy owning my own house and land, with enough room that my family and pets can roam free in our own place. It’s quite nice to be a homeowner, and I couldn’t have afforded it in most of the rest of the USA.

      I’ve been here voting against Republicans since the Bush Jr. term. Life has only gotten better over time, and since I’ve been living in such a low cost of living area I can afford to do everything I want to. Lots of wonderful people live here too, but if you generalize an entire geographic area as being all shitheads living in a terrible shithole, then you only weaken your own knowledge. Prejudice is mental weakness.

      • Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        Pretty sure “mental weakness” is actively ignoring data all in an attempt to live in your own fantasy land. Just to summarize this interaction in the hopes that you decide to “strengthen your own knowledge”:

        • “Ha, at least we aren’t Mississippi”
        • “Actually, Mississippi ranks higher in most of these metrics. You probably want to be more like Mississippi”
        • “Ha, they just forgot to measure Mississippi. Also, cost of living here is some of the cheapest in the country and if the listing had been weighted to that then it would be all about the southeast swamplands”
        • “No, they didn’t forget Mississippi. Also, using the linked page to weight the study by cost of living still prioritizes the midwest for the most part”
        • “Ha, see, I told you that my cost of living was super cheap and you are just prejudiced and weak!”