The statue commemorating Anne Frank, one of the most famous victims of the Holocaust, was defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti for the second time on Sunday.

The statue is located in Merwedeplein, near the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.

According to images published on X, the base of the statue was spray-painted with the slogan “Free Gaza” while the girl’s hands were painted with the same red color, AFP reported.

    3 months ago

    Are you seriously arguing the family wouldn’t want genocide bright to light?

    I already explicitly and directly told you this is untrue, and yet you still misrepresent it. Why? What purpose does it serve you to continually misrepresent my position?

    your honestly arguing that the family might be pro genocide.

    You can’t tell the difference between saying they might be against a memorial to their daughter being vandalized and being pro-genocide? “Are you actually dumb are just choosing [sic] idiotic arguments. [sic]”

    It’s what I mean when I say you reduce her to solely a Jew.

    Incorrect. What I’m saying is that her Jewishness in inextricably tied to her and a memorial to her and the genocide of Jewish people. Again, you keep seeming to ignore it, but there are other genocide monuments right in Amsterdam that they could have defaced and still done the “defacing a genocide memorial to draw attention to a genocide.”

    I’m not telling you how to do anything,

    You’re literally accusing me of supporting genocide by my protest of their actions. It’s the same exact thing I’m doing with their antisemitic protest. The difference is that I can logically support my claim, while yours requires ignoring what I’ve explicitly told you is my position.

      3 months ago

      It’ll take however many times I have to tell you you’re being a bigot it seems.

      I’m saying they likely wouldn’t given you know the whole genocide thing being kind of a big issue for their family. You’re actively arguing against logic.

      Indeed. So you not see how her being a Jew could be related to a Jewish nation genociding people like a ostensibly Catholic nation genocided the Jews… It’s not irrelevant or anti semitic to say Israelis out of all nations should know what genocide looks like. Ok, what statue works better for you? Hitler, Himmler, are you suggesting they go vandalize the Holocaust museum. Seriously I’m interested, what person or place is more iconic in relation to Jews being genocided than the most famous genocided Jew?

      I am, I’m not however telling you to do anything. I’m hoping you see how bigoted it is to say she can be a icon of genocide but can’t be brought up because she’s Jewish. You’re the bigoted one, you just don’t see that your weird white knight attitude is keeping you from seeing the forest for the trees.

      Ed: to be clear I think you mean well you’re going so far away from trying to be bigoted you ended up bigoted.