Please go easy on me, I’m not very tech savvy. So I got a new android phone, and everything is ok except the audio. This is using the same headphones I used with my old phone, so I’m not talking about improving the phone’s speakers or headphones, but the quality of the sound as it is processed in the phone itself.

There is an equalizer (Dolby Atmos) but after trying every preset and option available I give up. They all sound tinny or kind of muffled. My old phone had just a basic “Moto Audio” and it was great. Both phones are Motorola and I’m disappointed to see this downgrade.

So the question is, can I install something to fix this and if yes, what type of app am I looking for?


    3 months ago

    Not am audiophile or anything but i do like having good quality sound for listening to stuff so ive gone down the rabbit hole a couple of times.

    If the audio sounds bad on more than a few headphones or speakers, could be the phone is bad out of the box. Does happen. I had a phone that was supposed to have accidental touch protection for when your phone is in your pocket but it would still turn on and mess with stuff while in my pocket.

    I would recommend you check on a few diffrent speakers to see if theres any noticeable difference in quality. Headphones vs another pair or speakers in your house vs your cars speakers. That should give you an idea if its the phone itself or your current audio devices.