• RGB3x3@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    In case people don’t know what Project 2025 is.

    Here’s the document:


    AT LEAST READ THE FOREWARD. It very meticulously lays out their 4 goals:

    1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
    1. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
    1. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
    1. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty

    In plain language they want to:

    1. Effectively make LGBTQ+ persons illegal, unable to marry, adopt, or even exist openly, nationally ban abortion, ban education about black history and systemic racism;
    2. hamstring or eliminate a bunch of government agencies like the Department of Education, the EPA, the DOJ, Department of Homeland Security, and to eliminate many positions within the federal government or install loyal puppets;
    3. close our borders completely, pull out of NATO and the UN, invest heavily in oil, coal, and natural gas while divesting in renewable energy and removing environmental regulations, and exert extreme control over tech companies and universities;
    4. create school voucher programs which very much are to allow parents to segregate their children and use tax dollars to fund conservative, religious, private schools at k-12 levels, and eliminate social welfare programs. Also includes the contradiction of “champion the dynamic genius of free enterprise” and “include antitrust enforcement against corporate monopolies.”

    The whole thing is full of conservative buzz words, “anti-woke” rhetoric, and contradictions about free enterprise while wanting to exert control over people and “big tech.”

    But it’s also dangerous because they’re going to attempt to consolidate power to the next Republican president. There are complicated and far-reaching consequences to the things they’re proposing that would take an academic paper to get into. For example, Ron DeSantis just signed a bill making lab-grown meat illegal because of the “global elite.” It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s part of the reactionary, anti-leftist, culture war bullshit the Republicans are on right now.

    That summary should be enough to show why this is so dangerous.

    • z00s@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Here’s the education of the guy who heads the think tank that made this bullshit up:

      Roberts earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, a Master of Arts in history from Virginia Tech, and a Ph.D. in American history from University of Texas at Austin.


      So basically, a history professor with 3rd rate qualifications from 4th rate universities.

      No experience or knowledge in politics whatsoever.

      If this is the garbage that actually sparks off the next US civil war, I will lose my fucking mind at the stupidity of it all.

    • helpImTrappedOnline@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      If you take them at face value, 1-3 sound like positive goals - I know they’ve been complelty twisted into terrible shit.

      Here’s what I belive they should be.

      1. I don’t care what kind of family you have (lgbtq++ or not), but children need to raised properly. While there’s a million ways to do it, the “ipad” kid isn’t one of them. To me “Centerpeice” means creating an economy/socity where people actually want to raise kids again - from better living wages, reduce the cost of good, housing costs, proper heath care, and work schedules that allow the parents to actually raise the kid. A stay-at-home parent should be optional for the family, thats not so easily acomplished in today’s economy
      2. There’s certently an issue with our goverment administration, from the billions unaccounted for at the pentagon to the town not-elected sherrifs/officals who have zero accountability. That has to be fixed.
      3. Defend the boarder, only let people in legally, and don’t let randoms from any where in the world. If people really are sneaking in by the truck load like they say - what’s stopping someone with a major crimal record of violence from enterering the nation and attacking people. Inaddtion, if we’re going to do major humanitarian projects to help refuges, we need to focus on our own homeless and struggling citizens as well.
      4. Take religion out of the conversation. But, for the most part we do have a lot of freedoms - if you can afford them. In theory, you can live where ever you like, work where ever you like, marry whom you like, and say what you like. In practice, it’s difficult to break generational poverty. People can’t move because they need the money to support their family. Let’s sat your pop was making enough money for your whole family 10 years ago, but now your pop got sick and can’t work, you and your siblings still in school, and your mom is struggling to find anything more than $10/hour because minimum in her state is still $7.25. Government aid is doing just enough for you to keep pop alive, you to eat and keep the house for now. Be careful if drop out of school to start working full time, they’ll drop the aid by double whatever you make so you loose the house if you work, but can’t save for anything if you don’t work.

      Not really sure where I was going with 4…but that needs to be fixed.

    • rufus@discuss.tchncs.de
      6 months ago

      Wow. Thanks. With your summary and the titles alone I can make sense of that manifesto:

      1. Define families properly to include all colours of families. Make them (the people) more important than corporate greed and capitalism. Make sure their children have access to education. And care for them if their parents aren’t well off.

      2. The state has no business dictating people’s reproductive rights, choices in gender issues and religion. Instead they need the state to provide infrastructure to them, healthcare etc to enable them to achieve what they want individually. People need the freedom not to get shot on the streets or at school by some lunatic. And democracy in the USA is broken. Governance by the people needs true choices. Less lobbyism, gerrymandering and childish behaviour in the senate.

      3. Make good choices in a globalized world. Sustainable politics. Trade and be friends with your neighbours and other friendly nations. If you want to be strong, you better have friends and also show them they’re worth something to you.

      4. Freedom and Liberty? That’s a pretty straightforward proclamation to celebrate LGBTQ+ people, women etc as god made them. I’d say that extends to anyone and all the diversity and richness of life. And include welfare programs for the disadvantaged, as God and the founding fathers wanted equal opportunity. And the USA currently only cares for the rich. Contradicting any of Jesus’ teachings.

      • rufus@discuss.tchncs.de
        6 months ago

        Sry, I think the innuendo got lost here. I was more holding up a mirror to their double-speak and trying to point out that if you really liked those goals, you’d take a different route. The conclusions these people jumped to, contradict each other and what they’re supposedly achieving.

        I think if they were for families and liberty, they’d do roughly what I said… Making me think that’s not what it’s about. For me they don’t need to come up with wrong reasons to justify it. They could just say ‘we hate people and freedom’ and at least that’d be honest and free of contradictions.

        • RGB3x3@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          That’s kinda what I thought you were going for at first, but wasn’t sure.

          Either way, that document is full of language that would easily catch a reader thinking it’s all positive rather than manipulative.

      • RGB3x3@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Did you read the document? Those four goals are all double-speak for taking away rights, dismantling government agencies, promoting christo-fascist ideals, and controlling the American people.

        You literally don’t have to take my work for it, I’ve provided you with the document.

        All of what you said is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do, but getting blocked by Republicans at every turn.

        But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that authoritarian doublespeak actually works as it has on you. There’s a reason 1984 sometimes feels way too real. You’re not willing to read.

      • Illuminostro@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Fuck right off with that Bircher bullshit. We all know “conservatives” lack empathy. Nothing that happens to anyone else matters unless it affects them personally.

        Nevermind, I saw your response.