It is fun to think about the Simulation Theory but most discussions revolve around it being likely that we are in one. What are some concrete reasons why it’s all science fiction and not reality?

    8 months ago

    Counterpoint - why does the universe at macro scales behave like it is continuous, but at micro scales converts to discrete units, but only when there are stateful interactions? And if the information about those interactions is discarded, it switches back from discrete to continuous?

    If we entertain that this universe is a simulation of a higher fidelity/continuous universe, then switching to discrete units is a side effect of emulation constraints and not inherent to the foundational structure and the evident behavior is simply an advanced form of what we are already doing today with procedural generated universes that convert to discrete voxels in order to track interactions by free agents.

    But the majority of people working on the issue don’t entertain that, so instead we have 26-dimensional vibrating strings and all sorts of convoluted attempts to get the discrete behavior and the continuous behavior of gravity to play nice.

    When you dive into the details, it sure seems like the people trying to model the universe as a single original entity are the ones multiplying factors beyond necessity.

    Heck, even non-simulation related theories that don’t have our universe as the only one seem to be the more straightforward models in both cosmology (see Neil Turok’s work) and quantum mechanics (Everett’s many worlds is the only popular interpretation that doesn’t run into issues with the Frauchiger-Renner paradox).