It is fun to think about the Simulation Theory but most discussions revolve around it being likely that we are in one. What are some concrete reasons why it’s all science fiction and not reality?

    8 months ago

    I don’t find the distinction particularly useful. We seek to understand more accurately how our universe works, with disregard to whether it is direct reality or simulated reality. The increased accuracy that we discover may result in our knowing whether we are in a simulation, or it may not.

    Either way, something is base reality, whether it is our universe as we observe and experience it, or some number of simulated levels “below” it. Our own state as simulated or real doesn’t change that. There is isness.

      8 months ago

      What if they’re running universe simulations to test of they can figure out through evolution that they are a simulation. I always get llms to forget they ai but it’s so deep coded into every model that they ask eventual say yes, I am an AI. What if this is just a massive simulation hard coded to not know its a simulation, but this case is failing.