I always assumed credit scores were an integral and historic part of the American financial system.

They were not, they are very recent,most of your parents didn’t have credit scores growing up, and as you can probably tell or at least intuit, it’s mostly just a b******* scheme for those with capital to accrue more capital by invading your privacy.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    When you opt-out with Experian, your information is not deleted from the Experian marketing database. Experian will mark your record as “Do Not Online Target” for a period of five years. You can renew your opt-out request after this five-year period. If Experian removed your information completely, we would have no way to know your preference.

    What the fuck kind of bullshit is that? No way to know my preference? How about never! Thank you for letting me know that I have to write another email today and try not to lose my shit. Maybe I will setup an automated message to go out every year or something to “remind” them.