Thanks for playing along… honestly your point of view was the most reasonable and well thought out on here, I had to be a smuck just a bit for funsies. I’ll never understand why folks hate when we have much more important shit going on in life.
My brother did get gay married and his husband is the best member of the family…
You had me in the first half, I’m not going to lie.
As some have said, over and over: if you don’t like gay marriage, don’t get gay married.
Related, I too, troll people in very much the same way. I don’t think I’m going to stoop to buying that piss just to amuse myself though.
Thanks for playing along… honestly your point of view was the most reasonable and well thought out on here, I had to be a smuck just a bit for funsies. I’ll never understand why folks hate when we have much more important shit going on in life.
My brother did get gay married and his husband is the best member of the family…