• Paragone@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Dictatorial-Vengeance, not political-platform, is going to be the whole of the thing, by the time GEOTUS is crowned.

    Fools appease rabies & cancer: the sane correct them.

    Legalism offers only pretend protection.

    Kahneman System-1 …

    ( imprinted-REACTION, which is what herdbeasts live-in, from Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow” book underlying ALL the “proletariat dictatorship” of Leninism, & all the “populist dictatorship” of Murdochism, & all the “biblical” blotting-out of women’s validity/worth/potential/rights, etc, through many different assumption-rivers/“religions”, in spite of Genesis stating clearly that morality, “the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil”, was eaten 1st by mothers/women, & only-then women shared morality with us! Men twisted the bible to make it say what male-supremacy wanted, and the evidence is still there, even after many millenia of such gaslighting by “men” ) …

    … is fighting to obliterate considered-reason, Kahneman System-2, from having ANY say in ruling our world.

    THAT is The Great Filter.

    Unconsciousness-ignorance-REACTION vs Considered-Reason, and people are holding-to the wrong-frame-of-reference.

    Trump’s winning is now inevitable, because of the shoddy education & capitalism-sabotaged-parenting of the last few generations, combined with the institutional-ignoring/denying of the “alternatives”.

    Economic rug-pull will create backlash vote.

    Already GenZ & Muslims won’t vote for the Biden admin, so the US’s sunk, anyway.

    US Civil War Part2 is how they are going to “get even” against all the considered-reason loyal people, with butchery-enforcement.

    See it as it actually is.

    The “politics” or “religion” in-question is just “makeup” on the underlying structural war, of unconscious-ignorance warring to break-and-murder-out all competing kinds of meaning/Way.

    Because it is our unconscious human-nature that is fighting to break all our lives from this world, it has leverage IN us, and most of humankind is going to be gone by century’s end, as a result.

    ScientificallyTestablePredictions, only waiting-and-seeing is required to test them all:

    • Trump is going to be crowned GEOTUS by his worshippers

    • legalism, which Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph railed-against 2 millenia ago, is going to be used, exactly as benJoseph said, conveniently-ignoring any parts of the law that would get in their way

    • Accountability ( what little there currently-is, of it ) will be completely replaced with authority-is-the-LORD “law”, so “Rule of Law” will still be spoken, but it will have a completely evil meaning in GEOTUS’s kingdom

    • Trump will gut NATO

    • Trump will actively back Russia against Europe

    • While North America is being butchered in civil-war & its spinoffs, the EPA will be … probably outright executed, tbh, … and ecological-atrocity will be actively-pushed, as an identity-validation ( like “rolling coal”, but on whole-industries scale )

    • civil-rights will be actively warred against in the US

    • corporations will be granted the right to kill union-agitators or other “troublemakers”, exactly as the Repubs have now given ( or are-giving? has that been enacted yet? I don’t care, anymore ) property-owners the right to kill homeless people ( sorry I forget where in the US )

    • Russia, China, & Saudi Arabia will use the opportunity of the gutting of the West to MASSIVELY grab global-empires throughout the world, with East Europe being Trump-backed Russia’s target, ALL of the Middle-East & Africa being Saudi Arabia’s target, & ALL of Asia being China’s ( Modi’s enforcing of System-1 Hindutva itself is anti-considered-reason, and his relying-on-Russia for protection against China is … absolute delusion. India, my dad’s birth home, is hosed. ).

    Will China also get South America?

    It’s been investing in that, so it may well.

    1 decade from now, the “world” we see won’t look anything like the current geopolitical-“table” we have.

    The real cause isn’t the surface-level of either “politics” or of “religion”, it is the level of unconscious-ignorant-reaction breaking/murdering its hated-enemy considered-reason, and all the rest is “makeup”.

    For anybody interested in evidence-based-knowing, all you have to do is wait & see.

    For ideology/prejudice System-1 enforcers, just downvote me to oblivion.

    I’m stating this here so that when it has happened, then the evidence that it was all forseeable will exist.

    I don’t expect normal-anybody to accept that WW3 could be created, any more than the fools who enforced WW1 or WW2 through nonseeing could accept that what they were doing would have the consequences they did.

    When WW1 finished, some already knew that the rigging of things then would enforce that there be a retry of The Great War, but they were contempted, of course, as defectives.

    Finally, Israel’s already guaranteed that its “deterrent” is losing-power:

    the blood-HATRED in the surrounding Muslim region is growing, and when they don’t care in any way whatsoever whether they get butchered while doing it, so long as Israel gets ANNIHILATED, then Israel has no “deterrent”, anymore, … as ought be fscking-obvious, … but they’re creating their-own annihilation while holding to Ezekiel 39, so they’re … living in ideology/prejudice/System-1 lalaland, not in considered-reason, and nothing can be done to prevent its consequences.

    Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph warned of Israel’s annihilation, ( in Matt 24, iirc ), and it will come to fact within 1 decade, now.

    Probably within 7y.

    Humankind’s committed, unconsciously, to a planet-breaking/butchering TANTRUM/POGROM, and nothing is going to prevent the toddler-with-military-and-industry from “making GOD sorry!!” and “teaching GOD a lesson!!” through “BREAKING the world’s whole life”, and then … and then … and then … Universe’s simply not caring is going to wound our race’s narcissism, …

    … but dead is dead.

    No matter: human-life can evolve somewhere else, … to do the same thing again.

    The Great Filter.

    Which is stronger? unconscious-ignorance XOR motivated-growing-up??

    Look objectively at human-history & see for yourself.

    See why John of Patmos, in the last book of the Christian’s bible, said when he ate the Book of Truth, that it was syrupy-sweet in his mouth ( idea-level “truth”, aka “belief” ), but when it was in his belly, it was bitter ( experience-induced understanding is bitter ). That psychological-truth is as true now, as it was 2 millenia ago, isn’t it?

    _ /\ _

    2 corrections to this:

    1. I meant the Environmental Protection Agency, not the Food & Drug Administration, who will probably be executed. I’ve only been in the US for a few days of my life, and typing while tired produces mistakes.

    2. The reason that Trump’s going to be going absolute-psychopath, is what I’d call a stroke or aneurism, but his worshippers will call a Miracle.

    Once that “miracle” has happened, then the “gloves drop off”, and the single most inhumanly vicious mind ever to rule a country is going to be using Trump’s life to carve itself onto our world for … probably close to a decade. More than 7y, anyways.

    Evidence will show what actually-happened, so if this stuff does happen, then … the record will exist.

    _ /\ _

    • model_tar_gz@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I asked ChatGPT to help me understand this. It’s a little better.

      • The impending reign of GEOTUS prioritizes dictatorial vengeance over political agendas, driven by a rejection of reasoned discourse in favor of reactionary impulses, as explained in Kahneman’s System-1.
      • This societal shift stems from deep-rooted interpretations favoring male-centric ideologies, leading to Trump’s inevitable rise due to systemic failures in education, parenting, and institutional oversight.
      • Projections include the erosion of legal frameworks, the rise of authoritarianism disguised as lawful governance, and the dissolution of international alliances.
      • Environmental degradation will be exploited for validation, exacerbating global crises.
      • Despite impending threats, Israel remains entrenched in ideological beliefs, unaware of looming dangers.
      • Humanity stands at a pivotal moment, grappling with unconscious ignorance and the allure of reactionary violence, facing the stark reality of self-destruction.
      • Scientific predictions underscore the importance of objective observation, highlighting the critical choice between embracing growth and succumbing to ignorance.
        • model_tar_gz@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Even still, I had to prompt it a few times to get to something that seemed like a reasonable summary of key points. No clue how faithful to the source material it is lol.

          • MagicShel@programming.dev
            8 months ago

            Hopefully bro is getting any help and medication he needs. Someone with such disordered thinking must find the world extremely frustrating and difficult to navigate.

      • 1simpletailer@startrek.website
        8 months ago

        I mean… The GEOTUS stuff is a little out there but the rest of this seems pretty on point. Could OP be some kind of mad genius who’s just terrible at communicating? Maybe I’m just crazy too.

    • KaTaRaNaGa@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I don’t agree with all your conclusions or timelines, but you’re perfectly cogent enough. Ignore the haters. You literally pointed them to Kahneman 4 sentences in and they couldn’t be bothered.

      I enjoy the use of language. Not that you need me to say it but keep on doing you and know that—to the extent you’re willing to make yourself understand—the message can be received.

      To all the haters: Look at OP’s post history. This person’s views are coherent and nuanced. Their creative unusual use of language doesn’t merit ad hominem attacks. How about calling yourself out as unwilling or unable to grok the communication?

      The background to OP’s comment is that human beings have two modes of engaging with the world:

      1. feeling
      2. reason And that we use reason to justify feeling.

      Our world order counts on reason being sufficiently related to reality. Otherwise, law (which is entirely reason-based) can be weaponized for the sake of the feelings of the powerful. Rule of law then becomes a smokescreen for “might makes right.”

      None of this should be surprising so far. OP then makes some pessimistic predictions about the inevitability of a Trump presidency and its dire consequences for the more-or-less reason-based world order we’ve grown accustomed to.

      Will a sufficiently powerful mass of anger, greed, and fear snuff out the infinite possibilities of empowerment, creativity, and uplifting spirit that human beings can generate? OP says yes (referencing the Great Filter) and predicts some timelines.

      OP, if you’re willing to share I’d be interested in hearing how you came to the timeline conclusions.

      OP, I don’t think a Trump presidency is inevitable. And, tangentially, the scope of the underlying structural situation scares me. Seems like we can have a good conversation (maybe here?). Thanks for posting.