You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.
-L. Ron Hubbard
For people who don’t know… he founded Scientology
I mean, he didn’t.
But honestly, getting a new religion to blow up is pretty impressive.
You know those “Christians” are gullible enough to buy it.
Matthew 8:20 (NKJV)
20 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
Catherine Ponder grabs her scissors and sharpie “let’s fix that”
Why the quotes? If they believe in Jesus I assume they’re Christians. There are as many interpretations of the scriptures as Christian sects.
Because a lot of modern day Christianity believes in “Jesus” but doesn’t follow any of his teachings…fake Christians. Just using the name to help get what they want
fake Christians
All believers say the same of all the other N-1 Christian sects. As an atheist myself, I just point at all of them and laugh.
No, this isn’t that at all. You either follow the teachings of Jesus or you don’t. Fake Christians say they love Jesus then speak and act against his lessons. Pretending otherwise shows that you don’t know much about the things you ridicule.
My issues with Christianity come from the deliberate misinterpretations of the bible but what Jesus actually had to say was pretty good stuff.
Fake Christians say they love Jesus then speak and act against his lessons.
Atheists shouldn’t be in the business of gatekeeping Christians. It’s all bullshit anyway.
what the likely fictional character calledJesus actually had to say
I have an issue in principle with believing bullshit. I don’t care if the purported teachings were “good” (they mostly weren’t), the foundation is tainted.
supply-side jesus in print
I imagine that logo represents what a camel looks like after passing through the eye of a needle.
“The meek shall inherit the earth but Jesus Jr is going to inherit a fortune!” -Matthew 19:24
Jayzus invested in Walmart, Microsoft and Facebook.
Wait for the sequels… the Millionare from Nazareth: the grift continues and The Millionaire from Nazareth: When the taxman Comethes.
That looks like my kind of used book store! Love the ones with tons of plywood shelves.
There seem to be so few of them left, sadly.
The greedy and the religious are both prime rube. Targeting the middle of that venn diagram is good business.
Is that a Nazi black sun on the front, too? Scary stuff…
That’s not a sonnenrad, just a sun symbol
More common than you think: